Chapter 1
Waging and Winning the War on Terror - OBL?,WMD's,
Chapter 2
Strengthening our Military, Supporting Our Veterans - cuts bennifits
Chapter 3
Promoting Peace and Democracy - and Acts of Mercy -Abu Grey
Chapter 4
Protecting the Homeland -Amnesty
Chapter 5
Economic Growth and Job Creation -hows your job?
Chapter 6
Opening Markets -no bid Haliburton
Chapter 7
Expanding Homeownership -pers bankruptcy up
Chapter 8
Energy Security- Enron %26amp; Kenny Boy
Chapter 9
Corporate Accountability Reform -Zero convictions
Chapter 10
Immigration Reform -joke
Chapter 11
Reforming and Modernizing Health Care
Chapter 12
Improving American Education
Chapter 13
A More Compassionate America
Chapter 14
Protecting Children, Strengthening Families
Chapter 15
Promoting a Culture of Life
Chapter 16
Fighting Crime
Chapter 17
Strengthening the Judiciary
Chapter 18
Conserving and Protecting the Environment -huuu?On a simular question, list bush 10 achivments, try this, its from his own press?
The Bush administration is well know for doublespeak. Their major accomplishments are getting people to believe the opposite of what they say.
People who WANT to believe in Bush are satisfied that he SOUNDS like he is doing the right thing,
1. The Clear Skies Initiative actually rolled back deadlines for cleaning up the air. 2. The No Child Left Behind act has led to poorly performing children being pushed to drop out of school and fewer graduating students.
3. The healthy Forest Act led to greater logging of once protected wilderness. 4. They created an Opt In program for Head Start programs that permits states to take Head Start money and opt out of providing Head Start programs with it. 4. The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01 5. adding more than $50 billion to the deficit, he called it the “Deficit Reduction Act.” 6. 2000 campaign, George Bush promised to bring “dignity” to the White House… but we’ve since found that he brought Jack Abramoff instead 7. The phrase "we need sound science" is used a lot these days to cast days to simultaneously cast doubt on scientific evidence that is already solid: Kyoto, Global Warming
8. coalition of the willing: coalition of the coerced, paid,etc. 9. enemy combatant: legal wording to get around the Geneva Conventions 10. free speech zone: an area set aside for protesters in which law enforcement supposedly will not interfere with them if they stay within it, but may assail or arrest them if they venture out of it. - Used to prevent Bush being photographed with protesters.
OKOn a simular question, list bush 10 achivments, try this, its from his own press?
Ten Bush accomplishments---
10. Hasn't choked on a pretzel since his first term
9. Prefers to ignore the Constitution yet write in discrimination
8. Spoke 2 complete sentences last week without pause
7. 9/11 need I say more
6. Katrina's "Brownie you're doing a heck of a job"
5. Iraq's new Constitution calming down the insurgency
4. Afghanastan
3. Every other country now really hates us
2. Giving his cronies promotions they don't deserve
1. Some entertaining press leaks
As the man said.. there's a pig flying over there.. no wait.. maybe it's not.On a simular question, list bush 10 achivments, try this, its from his own press?
1.OBL is hiding ,and the weapons were found(chemical warheads are WMD) 2.He is trying to build back the military Clinton dismantled after letting OBL go free. 3.The Afgahns voted and so did Iraqis.Bush was never at the prison. 4.The amnesty deal was not about security,and the Democrats are the ones that opened the borders wider. 5Jobs are never good when the country is under attack under ANY administration. 7. So it's the presidents fault if banks loan to idiots? 8. Enron happened on Clintons watch.Bushes watch just exposed it. 10 immigration reform was shot down by the DEMOCRATS.the rest are debateable but you didn't specify.
Waging and winning the war on terror is an ongoing issue that will be going on for the rest of our lives...9/11 made sure of that
Chapter 2
Strengthening our Military, Supporting Our Veterans - Strengthening our military is ongoing by training and making sure that they have proper funding. I am a veteran and my benefits have not been cut, so I am not sure what cuts have been made.
Chapter 3
Promoting Peace and Democracy - and Acts of Mercy -Abu Grey (misspelled) was not a Bush sponsored activity. Promoting peace in Iraq by bringing democracy to that region.
Chapter 4
Protecting the Homeland -There is a fine line with this issue. Amnesty at least makes those people that have come to the US become legitimate. That way they will be registered and we will know who is in our country. Without this, they will just be no name individuals lurking in the shadows.
Chapter 5
Economic Growth and Job Creation -haws your job? I have a great job that I have been in for 9 years. My company has grown and prospered. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and grow in order to get that great job. It takes time and a whole lot of energy and sometimes you have to start at the bottom but if you are dedicated, you can advance.
Chapter 6
Opening Markets - one instance (Halliburton) does not make a whole.
Chapter 7
Expanding Homeownership -pers bankruptcy up-President Bush is not responsible for irresponsible people who don't pay their bills. If you only spend within your earning potential, you won't have to file for bankruptcy.
Chapter 8
Energy Security- Enron %26amp; Kenny Boy-They were prosecuted weren't they? Obviously they weren't given an out.
Chapter 9
Corporate Accountability Reform -Zero convictions- Are you forgetting ex-Tyco chief Dennis Kozlowski and WorldCom’s Bernie Ebbers, former Enron executives Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, and Dan Boyle, Merrill Lynch James Brown, Daniel Bayly and Robert Furst...etc.
Chapter 10
Immigration Reform -joke-Why is it a joke? Give examples
Chapter 11
Reforming and Modernizing Health Care-I have no problem with my healthcare. Course that could be because I have a job and I pay for insurance. It's a priority for me. I can't help it if it isn't a priority for others.
Chapter 12
Improving American Education-
Chapter 13
A More Compassionate America-You got me on this one. I have compassion for those who work to better themselves. I come from poverty and I can hold my head up high because I pulled myself up and I don't see why others can't sacrifice a little in the short term to be able to be self sufficient in the long term.
Chapter 14
Protecting Children, Strengthening Families-How has he not done this?
Chapter 15
Promoting a Culture of Life-
Chapter 16
Fighting Crime
Chapter 17
Strengthening the Judiciary
Chapter 18
Conserving and Protecting the Environment -huuu?
My thoughts are that he has done a pretty good job and my life has been better since he has been in office. I don't know how much is his doing and how much is just my plain determination to succeed but I am pretty happy with it regardless. I have to ask those that are discontent, why are you so? Have you really tried to make the most of every day?
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
What is your take on this? Are you at all surprised? I saw on here so many people stating it, but now it's been proven. What do you think of it?…
"Dying one's beard is strictly forbidden under Islamic law. Any devout (Sunni) Muslim would be aghast at an image of a purported spokesperson with a dyed beard. It's okay to tint it with henna (only), but in that case gray hair appears orange. Pakistan is full of guys sporting huge orange beards, but there is no market whatsoever for Grecian formula, at least not among the Wahhabis."Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
Its been deception from day one and more and more people will see the truth soon.
Hang in there and keep spreading the good word !!
It doesn't look anything like him, unfortunately many Americans watch Faux News and actually believe this ****. The actor actually looks like an earlier impostor.Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
This s#!t is so predictable.
It's almost like they have Bin Laden on the payroll...
Interesting. but is Oil of Olay haram also?Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
This is very interesting, thanks for sharing. I'll be watching to see if the regular TV news channels pick up on this. Also, the government usually pronounces these tapes real or a hoax. Have they commented yet?
Personally, I think Bin Laden is dead, but I don't know for sure.
"I returned from Marmora September 10, 2001, in the evening. Marmora is a Holy place of the apparitions of our Lady in Canada. It was after midnight, 1:10 pm to be precise. I prayed and I heard the voice of Gabriel.
"Take the Koran, and read the eleventh Sura, verse eleven." I read. "If we take away the punishments due them they shall say, "What is holding them back.... and on the day it comes, It will be impossible to turn it away, and they will be overcome by that which they had scoffed."
I continued to pray and I saw that a haze covered the icon and a voice of the Archangel said, "Open the Koran at the 21st Sura, verse 11." I did this. "We have destroyed many habitations which were sinful and we raised up new nations in their places."
I continued to pray, and the Archangel bade me take the Bible and open it to the book of Ecclesiastes (9,18) "Wisdom is better that weapons of war; but one bungler destroys much good.""…
(the rest of the article)
Joseph Terelya is a Ukrainian visionary.
No, I can't say that I'm surprised in the least. Angry that this fear mongering has gone this far, but certainly not surprised.
What does surprise me is the fact that the American people aren't demanding the truth from their president. Questioning the actions of your government is not unpatriotic when the motives of the government in question are not in the best interest of the citizens of your country.
Hoax or not ther are still a lot of people that will still be miss lead and go on to the wrong path
i didnt get ur pinot of view,
r u happy 4 the video is hoax or wut?
%26amp; if u r then y?
That picture were showed to justify more attacks in Irak
and more and more assassination esppecially if we know
that the current question is how many reduction US troops
will occur
Why must we see like pictures in this moment?
Of course for prepare world opinion Iran 's attack
You forgot !. He was the CIA agent.
It's not ok to dye your beard, but it's ok to kill innocents?
Nice religion ...
Nahhh the tape is real. He's stupid enough to threaten the strongest country in the tire…
"Dying one's beard is strictly forbidden under Islamic law. Any devout (Sunni) Muslim would be aghast at an image of a purported spokesperson with a dyed beard. It's okay to tint it with henna (only), but in that case gray hair appears orange. Pakistan is full of guys sporting huge orange beards, but there is no market whatsoever for Grecian formula, at least not among the Wahhabis."Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
Its been deception from day one and more and more people will see the truth soon.
Hang in there and keep spreading the good word !!
It doesn't look anything like him, unfortunately many Americans watch Faux News and actually believe this ****. The actor actually looks like an earlier impostor.Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
This s#!t is so predictable.
It's almost like they have Bin Laden on the payroll...
Interesting. but is Oil of Olay haram also?Whoa! Latest bin laden video proven to be a hoax?
This is very interesting, thanks for sharing. I'll be watching to see if the regular TV news channels pick up on this. Also, the government usually pronounces these tapes real or a hoax. Have they commented yet?
Personally, I think Bin Laden is dead, but I don't know for sure.
"I returned from Marmora September 10, 2001, in the evening. Marmora is a Holy place of the apparitions of our Lady in Canada. It was after midnight, 1:10 pm to be precise. I prayed and I heard the voice of Gabriel.
"Take the Koran, and read the eleventh Sura, verse eleven." I read. "If we take away the punishments due them they shall say, "What is holding them back.... and on the day it comes, It will be impossible to turn it away, and they will be overcome by that which they had scoffed."
I continued to pray and I saw that a haze covered the icon and a voice of the Archangel said, "Open the Koran at the 21st Sura, verse 11." I did this. "We have destroyed many habitations which were sinful and we raised up new nations in their places."
I continued to pray, and the Archangel bade me take the Bible and open it to the book of Ecclesiastes (9,18) "Wisdom is better that weapons of war; but one bungler destroys much good.""…
(the rest of the article)
Joseph Terelya is a Ukrainian visionary.
No, I can't say that I'm surprised in the least. Angry that this fear mongering has gone this far, but certainly not surprised.
What does surprise me is the fact that the American people aren't demanding the truth from their president. Questioning the actions of your government is not unpatriotic when the motives of the government in question are not in the best interest of the citizens of your country.
Hoax or not ther are still a lot of people that will still be miss lead and go on to the wrong path
i didnt get ur pinot of view,
r u happy 4 the video is hoax or wut?
%26amp; if u r then y?
That picture were showed to justify more attacks in Irak
and more and more assassination esppecially if we know
that the current question is how many reduction US troops
will occur
Why must we see like pictures in this moment?
Of course for prepare world opinion Iran 's attack
You forgot !. He was the CIA agent.
It's not ok to dye your beard, but it's ok to kill innocents?
Nice religion ...
Nahhh the tape is real. He's stupid enough to threaten the strongest country in the world.
Michael Jackson Dream interpretation please? :)?
i dont really remember but, there was some sort of a reunion in a auditorium, and there was a crowd, and i was trying to get through, until i get to the stage and sit down on the edge of it. No one was performing, people were just enjoying the reunion and i was watching, and then i see Michael in the crowd and i dont know what happened that i think someone said something about/to him that made him shy while laughing (like when someone complements you, and you laugh shyly) and i wanted to make him even more shyer, so i cheered "Michael, Michael.." and so on, and everyone started doing it, and he got shy and came up to me, and gave me a look smiling as if saying (why'd you do that! lol) his eyes were so sparkling and i opened my arms offering a hug and he hugged me. then i heard he was coming over to my house for a reunion, and so i went to my house cuz he was gunna be there any minute, my mom was cleaning the house and i was fixing my shoes by the door, he soon comes in and stands next to me by the wall, i m still fixing my shoes(pretending) and he starts mimicking me and bumps his legs one mine playfully, and i stand up and he was looking at me w/ his head tilted against the wall, smiling asking me how i'm doing and i said "im good :)" and kinda flirty BUT friendly 100%, so idk how i go to my living room wit him and we appear in a live tv show interview, and he was showing a presentation, the title was "Heal The World" and said something about '"if MJ wasn't famous"', and then i showed up in a market in the streets, and there were two rats by gray brick walls, one was gray and healthy and the other one brown and fat/sick. i dont remember what happened after that =/Michael Jackson Dream interpretation please? :)?
U want to be a celebrity in the field of music and dance
U want to be a celebrity in the field of music and dance
i dont really remember but, there was some sort of a reunion in a auditorium, and there was a crowd, and i was trying to get through, until i get to the stage and sit down on the edge of it. No one was performing, people were just enjoying the reunion and i was watching, and then i see Michael in the crowd and i dont know what happened that i think someone said something about/to him that made him shy while laughing (like when someone complements you, and you laugh shyly) and i wanted to make him even more shyer, so i cheered "Michael, Michael.." and so on, and everyone started doing it, and he got shy and came up to me, and gave me a look smiling as if saying (why'd you do that! lol) his eyes were so sparkling and i opened my arms offering a hug and he hugged me. then i heard he was coming over to my house for a reunion, and so i went to my house cuz he was gunna be there any minute, my mom was cleaning the house and i was fixing my shoes by the door, he soon comes in and stands next to me by the wall, i m still fixing my shoes(pretending) and he starts mimicking me and bumps his legs one mine playfully, and i stand up and he was looking at me w/ his head tilted against the wall, smiling asking me how i'm doing and i said "im good :)" and kinda flirty BUT friendly 100%, so idk how i go to my living room wit him and we appear in a live tv show interview, and he was showing a presentation, the title was "Heal The World" and said something about '"if MJ wasn't famous"', and then i showed up in a market in the streets, and there were two rats by gray brick walls, one was gray and healthy and the other one brown and fat/sick. i dont remember what happened after that =/DREAM, INTERPRETATION PLEASE?
U want to have a beautiful boy friend to make u happy. Presently, ur mind is confused , not concentrated on anyDREAM, INTERPRETATION PLEASE?
Believe it or not, dreams like this mean you have about 2 years to live, and so you should get on with your love life before it's too late.
U want to have a beautiful boy friend to make u happy. Presently, ur mind is confused , not concentrated on anyDREAM, INTERPRETATION PLEASE?
Believe it or not, dreams like this mean you have about 2 years to live, and so you should get on with your love life before it's too late.
Problem with Speaking on Xbox Live?
Whenever I am on xbox live it always shows me talking even when I'm not, also some people complain there is an annoying sound coming from me (but some people don't hear anything), and I have 3 mics for my xbox and all of the have those symptoms (the first one that is one of the original gray mics I had worked fine for a while and then those symptoms started, the next one I bought was a $1 ebay generic mic which immediately had the same problems, and the last mic was another gray original xbox mic that I bought at a flee-market it is the only one that people don't always complain about a sound (but they still sometimes do)) So is this a problem with my mic, or maybe its something wrong with my controller (which is a cheap wired controller) or maybe even a problem with my xbox!?! Can you tell me whats wrong with my speaking on xbox?Problem with Speaking on Xbox Live?
Try moving away from your tv and be in a quite environment. But
Most mics just brake no changing that, i am very sorry. You will need to buy a new mic. They cost around $20 for the basic mics, or +$40 for Turtle Beaches and wireless mics. I recommend the basic one because they are just the cheap fix plus the other mics just seem to expensive for their simple purpose of communication.
-I hope i helped you! Have a nice day!
Try moving away from your tv and be in a quite environment. But
Most mics just brake no changing that, i am very sorry. You will need to buy a new mic. They cost around $20 for the basic mics, or +$40 for Turtle Beaches and wireless mics. I recommend the basic one because they are just the cheap fix plus the other mics just seem to expensive for their simple purpose of communication.
-I hope i helped you! Have a nice day!
Male Hair Color Treatment?
I'm 23 and my natural hair is dirty/dark blond but my beard and mustache seem to grow in all sorts of shads. Some of the hairs grow in light blond, almost as if white and others grow in light brown or darker. I'm looking to color my beard and mustache (I shave semi-regularly usually keeping a 2 day growth) and looked at Just For Men but that is specifically targeted for gray hairs and so I believe that wont work. Is there anything out on the market I could buy similar to something like Just For Men that would work for what I want (I'm looking for either dark blond and/or light brown)?Male Hair Color Treatment?
There would not be any point in dying it if you only keep a 2 day growth. The dye will not change the hair color that grows out it only will change what is on your face. So if you color it and then shave it you would have to color the new growth every 2 days.Male Hair Color Treatment?
Any type of hair color will work, even if they have pictures of females on the box, lol. I'm naturally blonde but I dye my hair black because when I straighten it during the summer, it used to lose color and turn frizzy.
Personally, I think that the "Just for Men" line is a joke, not much more than a gimmick to lure people into buying their product. My father has used it on occasion with short lived results, you have to reapply every 2 weeks or so (regular hair color lasts 3-4 weeks).
I'd suggest using L'Oreal Excellence.Male Hair Color Treatment?
There are a few other men color lines like MIN and Redken for men but there are semi perm and I don't think they work well for the beard. I think the just for men beard color is going to work the best for you unfortunately they don't have a wide verity of colors. You are not going to be able to lighten your dark hairs so you have to pick a color that is the same tone or dark than your natural hairs. I hope this helps some Sorry there just isn't alot for guys and beards. I guess it's not a big seller because your face hair grows so fast you would need to reapply weekly
There would not be any point in dying it if you only keep a 2 day growth. The dye will not change the hair color that grows out it only will change what is on your face. So if you color it and then shave it you would have to color the new growth every 2 days.Male Hair Color Treatment?
Any type of hair color will work, even if they have pictures of females on the box, lol. I'm naturally blonde but I dye my hair black because when I straighten it during the summer, it used to lose color and turn frizzy.
Personally, I think that the "Just for Men" line is a joke, not much more than a gimmick to lure people into buying their product. My father has used it on occasion with short lived results, you have to reapply every 2 weeks or so (regular hair color lasts 3-4 weeks).
I'd suggest using L'Oreal Excellence.Male Hair Color Treatment?
There are a few other men color lines like MIN and Redken for men but there are semi perm and I don't think they work well for the beard. I think the just for men beard color is going to work the best for you unfortunately they don't have a wide verity of colors. You are not going to be able to lighten your dark hairs so you have to pick a color that is the same tone or dark than your natural hairs. I hope this helps some Sorry there just isn't alot for guys and beards. I guess it's not a big seller because your face hair grows so fast you would need to reapply weekly
How would you do it?
A dad walks into the market followed by his ten-year-old son. The kid is spinning a 25-cent piece in the air and catching it between his teeth. As they walk through the market someone bumps into the boy at just the wrong moment and the coin goes straight into his mouth and lodges in his throat. He immediately starts choking and going blue in the face and Dad starts panicking, shouting and screaming for help. A middle-aged, fairly unnoticeable man in a gray suit is sitting at a coffee bar in the market reading his newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee. At the sound of the commotion he looks up, puts his coffee cup down on the saucer, neatly folds his newspaper and places it on the counter. He gets up from his seat and makes his unhurried way across the market. Reaching the boy (who is still standing, but only just) the man carefully takes hold of the kid's testicles and squeezes gently but firmly. After a few seconds the boy convulses violently and coughs up the 25-cent piece, which the man catches in his free hand. Releasing the boy, the man hands the coin to the father and walks back to his seat in the coffee bar without saying a word. As soon as he is sure that his son has suffered no lasting ill effects, the father rushes over to the man and starts effusively thanking him. The man looks embarrassed and brushes off the father's thanks. As he's about to leave, the father asks one last question: "I've never seen anybody do anything like that before - it was fantastic - what are you, a surgeon or something like that?" "Oh, good heavens no" the man replies, "I work for the IRS." How would you do it?
That was GREAT!How would you do it?
I would sort of push on his stomach, and do the something manuever, i forgot what it was called........... What is the IRS?trade in value
That was GREAT!How would you do it?
I would sort of push on his stomach, and do the something manuever, i forgot what it was called........... What is the IRS?
Please comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
Meaning don't give up on it just because it's too long or confusing to you. Sometimes you have to struggle with a girls bra strap to get to the good stuff ;) Please don't leave trite comments like "it's good" or "it sucks" tell me why it sucks or why it's good and what you like/dislike about it, what I could do to improve, where it needs work, where it succeeds etc etc. Thank you for you time and consideration. Much love to all my fellow poets out there.
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”Please comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
The Art of Poetry is profound brevity and a condensed message then prevails. I would suggest you not mix your metaphors and add similes to metaphors. It confuses the image you are trying to convey. I cannot keep your rhyme going as you also are hit and miss with your rhyme and meter. Why was your poem presented to us as disjointed, continuous prose? I'll try but the poem needs to be culled and shaped. There is a good poem here. We just have to find it!
Passion lurks in the misty wood.
Milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly,
In whose golden cups bees dream.
Ecstasy in its most hallowed form!
Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully,
Ballerinas begging to perform.
Full of youth (Time's stubborn yet doomed foe),
And innocence (son of sin).
Wasps; mad frenzied schoolchildren,
Drunk with dreamy afternoons,
Napping beside towering oaks,
Blending in deep maroons.
Sun, a golden God, inspirational.
Storms, thundering typhoons,
On whose craggy cadaver
Green dew drips; sighing for Sun.
Perfumes; released and scattered ;
Oriental palaces naturally outdone.
Inviting cushions of velvet fantasy.
In the exotic chestnut coolness.
The lark steals a glance
From the blossomed branch,
Poised with ghostly silence.
His song is of bowing abundance.
The Crow envious of all,
Obscenely cracks the stiff air's
Brooding nightly presence.
His caw but a demented cry.
Heaven's rejected high Moon
Is impatient as the restless wind.
She attempts a lonely grin,
Weakly spilling silvered lust.
Ah! This land of Skyscrapers!
Built from and for dark love,
Not for the singing honey dove!
Poor lost sad cooing bird.
Why go back to the thoughtless?
A greedy price tagged globe;
Constructed and abused
By sinful hands, greedy demands.
Man's fading wasteland empires,
Dank rollback muck of prices.
Clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives
Roaring discordant trapped anger.
I hear an old fuzzy recording,
Of broken industrial tongues,
While you and I squirm,writhe,
Searching for some romance.
Black eggplant inspirations.
I long for your hidden heart.
Looking amongst cigarette buts
And dirty discarded dorito wraps.
Neighborhood streets; grey, coarse,
Where yellow and dim lay the markets.
Past the sad blue automobiles
Next to freshly mown stinking grass.
Neatly trimmed garish gardens
Perform for neighborhood contests.
Antennas, maggots on.corpse houses
Of our block, our windows tightly closed.
Curtains shut against the black sunset.
Skeletons wobble holding a single daisy.
I saw with a dead fly in her ear.
Closed dead indoors stifle.
A child with the bluest eyes wept,
An oozing, soggy petroleum tear.
His mother comforts him,
“It’s only a dream, nothing to fear.”
I guess you are now thinking...Look what they done to my song Ma!
derivative and trite, not poetry, you should write pop songs, with a bit of editing it could become a rock ballad classicPlease comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
i love your poem the wording is beautiful. it is a great poem because it actually reaches deep inside ones soul and it creates a beautiful picture in my mind. i love how it seems like the poem takes on a new direction after every line.
It just looks like a freewrite of ideas right now. My main problem is lineation and structure; for a poem to work on page, you need to pay careful attention to how the width of the lines affect the voice of the poem. Right now the lines are too long/wide and the poem has no pauses; the poem is eating itself alive. It becomes distracting. As a writer, you have to remember that what is said is just as important as the blank spaces in between.
I can tell this is the first draft. Try to pick one central theme and stick with it, then break it into stanzas with line breaks and find where the poem needs to pause. The only part of this poem that particularly interested me was: "I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets." I would make that the core of your poem, and build from there. The poem needs much more focus.
The title of the poem is also too long. I only ever like ridiculously long titles when they are given ironically to short poems. Make it simple. Less is more.Please comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
An intelligent Critique?This in no way conveys any sort of feeling or compassion that the reader can feel.I usually do not give negative comments or critiques but this doesn't in any form or way resembles poetry,if fact what is suppose to be?
I do appreciate the preconditioning that you took the time for. It gave me the chance tyo read the work you posted as per request, all the way through. The impact as such was much more consistently delivered. Your style is quite unique and there is some structure to this- just as fractals have paterns that are not immediately realized, your words met one another in series and encrypted with precision. I do like this quite a lot. Thanks for the hook. That baited of a question was too hard to resist.
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”Please comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
The Art of Poetry is profound brevity and a condensed message then prevails. I would suggest you not mix your metaphors and add similes to metaphors. It confuses the image you are trying to convey. I cannot keep your rhyme going as you also are hit and miss with your rhyme and meter. Why was your poem presented to us as disjointed, continuous prose? I'll try but the poem needs to be culled and shaped. There is a good poem here. We just have to find it!
Passion lurks in the misty wood.
Milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly,
In whose golden cups bees dream.
Ecstasy in its most hallowed form!
Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully,
Ballerinas begging to perform.
Full of youth (Time's stubborn yet doomed foe),
And innocence (son of sin).
Wasps; mad frenzied schoolchildren,
Drunk with dreamy afternoons,
Napping beside towering oaks,
Blending in deep maroons.
Sun, a golden God, inspirational.
Storms, thundering typhoons,
On whose craggy cadaver
Green dew drips; sighing for Sun.
Perfumes; released and scattered ;
Oriental palaces naturally outdone.
Inviting cushions of velvet fantasy.
In the exotic chestnut coolness.
The lark steals a glance
From the blossomed branch,
Poised with ghostly silence.
His song is of bowing abundance.
The Crow envious of all,
Obscenely cracks the stiff air's
Brooding nightly presence.
His caw but a demented cry.
Heaven's rejected high Moon
Is impatient as the restless wind.
She attempts a lonely grin,
Weakly spilling silvered lust.
Ah! This land of Skyscrapers!
Built from and for dark love,
Not for the singing honey dove!
Poor lost sad cooing bird.
Why go back to the thoughtless?
A greedy price tagged globe;
Constructed and abused
By sinful hands, greedy demands.
Man's fading wasteland empires,
Dank rollback muck of prices.
Clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives
Roaring discordant trapped anger.
I hear an old fuzzy recording,
Of broken industrial tongues,
While you and I squirm,writhe,
Searching for some romance.
Black eggplant inspirations.
I long for your hidden heart.
Looking amongst cigarette buts
And dirty discarded dorito wraps.
Neighborhood streets; grey, coarse,
Where yellow and dim lay the markets.
Past the sad blue automobiles
Next to freshly mown stinking grass.
Neatly trimmed garish gardens
Perform for neighborhood contests.
Antennas, maggots on.corpse houses
Of our block, our windows tightly closed.
Curtains shut against the black sunset.
Skeletons wobble holding a single daisy.
I saw with a dead fly in her ear.
Closed dead indoors stifle.
A child with the bluest eyes wept,
An oozing, soggy petroleum tear.
His mother comforts him,
“It’s only a dream, nothing to fear.”
I guess you are now thinking...Look what they done to my song Ma!
derivative and trite, not poetry, you should write pop songs, with a bit of editing it could become a rock ballad classicPlease comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
i love your poem the wording is beautiful. it is a great poem because it actually reaches deep inside ones soul and it creates a beautiful picture in my mind. i love how it seems like the poem takes on a new direction after every line.
It just looks like a freewrite of ideas right now. My main problem is lineation and structure; for a poem to work on page, you need to pay careful attention to how the width of the lines affect the voice of the poem. Right now the lines are too long/wide and the poem has no pauses; the poem is eating itself alive. It becomes distracting. As a writer, you have to remember that what is said is just as important as the blank spaces in between.
I can tell this is the first draft. Try to pick one central theme and stick with it, then break it into stanzas with line breaks and find where the poem needs to pause. The only part of this poem that particularly interested me was: "I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets." I would make that the core of your poem, and build from there. The poem needs much more focus.
The title of the poem is also too long. I only ever like ridiculously long titles when they are given ironically to short poems. Make it simple. Less is more.Please comment on the damned poem. But please come with an open mind and some ounce of true intellect as well.?
An intelligent Critique?This in no way conveys any sort of feeling or compassion that the reader can feel.I usually do not give negative comments or critiques but this doesn't in any form or way resembles poetry,if fact what is suppose to be?
I do appreciate the preconditioning that you took the time for. It gave me the chance tyo read the work you posted as per request, all the way through. The impact as such was much more consistently delivered. Your style is quite unique and there is some structure to this- just as fractals have paterns that are not immediately realized, your words met one another in series and encrypted with precision. I do like this quite a lot. Thanks for the hook. That baited of a question was too hard to resist.
What do you think of my poem? : )?
Please don't leave trite comments like "it's good" or "it sucks" tell me why it sucks or why it's good and what you like/dislike about it, what I could do to improve, where it needs work, where it succeeds etc etc. Thank you for you time and consideration. Much love to all my fellow poets out there.
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”What do you think of my poem? : )?
Sort of confused. I liked it. I'm not one to judge poems though. I liked it. %26amp; I don't get why isn't there any stanzas? Anyways I thought it was nice because it was very descriptive at first I didn't understand. Then as I read on I began to understand it more. :)What do you think of my poem? : )?
ahh it's all mushed together and I have a shorter than short attention span. Put it in lines and i'll read it k?
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”What do you think of my poem? : )?
Sort of confused. I liked it. I'm not one to judge poems though. I liked it. %26amp; I don't get why isn't there any stanzas? Anyways I thought it was nice because it was very descriptive at first I didn't understand. Then as I read on I began to understand it more. :)What do you think of my poem? : )?
ahh it's all mushed together and I have a shorter than short attention span. Put it in lines and i'll read it k?
Some crappy poetry huh?
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”Some crappy poetry huh?
AAGHHH!!!!! GET THIS PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would like to hear more of what you write you are so inspiring!
email me more at
and yes i am a female if wondering lolSome crappy poetry huh?
Well, to answer you, yes I read something crappy nowSome crappy poetry huh?
hi Omar Y, the bit about the moon's lonely grin was good. we read the rest as well.
and recommend not taking any more whateever before driving
or going back to work
write on, quite gonzo we think...................
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”Some crappy poetry huh?
AAGHHH!!!!! GET THIS PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would like to hear more of what you write you are so inspiring!
email me more at
and yes i am a female if wondering lolSome crappy poetry huh?
Well, to answer you, yes I read something crappy nowSome crappy poetry huh?
hi Omar Y, the bit about the moon's lonely grin was good. we read the rest as well.
and recommend not taking any more whateever before driving
or going back to work
write on, quite gonzo we think...................
Thoughts on US Masterpiece Starscream transformer?
For those who don't know, Takara, the company that handles Transformers in Japan, has a toy line called "Masterpiece", which is focused on recreating popular Generation 1 Transformers characters with modern toy technology, resulting in excellent quality toys with detailed alternate modes and impressive articulation. So far, they have produced Optimus Prime, Starscream, and a Megatron that turns into an accurate Walther p-38 pistol like he used to. The US has only seen Masterpiece Optimus Prime, marketed as "20th anniversary Edition". Megatron will never come to the states for obvious reasons, but we're finally getting MP Starscream! It will be a Wal*Mart exclusive, and presented in G1 colors as opposed to the greenish gray of the Japanese release.
Japan release鈥?/a>
US Release鈥?/a>
It's $60 as compared to roughly $150-200 at various toy sites and eBay. What are your thoughts on this toy?Thoughts on US Masterpiece Starscream transformer?
I like it. I'm not a fan of Hasbro and that's why I've only bought Masterpiece and Binaltech figures made by Takara via However, I may purchase the Wal-Mart exclusive Masterpiece Starscream from Hasbro. I like that it mimics the color scheme of the G1 figure. By the way, your second link doesn't work, but I didn't need it anyway. I know what the Hasbro Starscream looks like, having seen it on the news section of will apparently carry this figure too.鈥?/a>
Japan release鈥?/a>
US Release鈥?/a>
It's $60 as compared to roughly $150-200 at various toy sites and eBay. What are your thoughts on this toy?Thoughts on US Masterpiece Starscream transformer?
I like it. I'm not a fan of Hasbro and that's why I've only bought Masterpiece and Binaltech figures made by Takara via However, I may purchase the Wal-Mart exclusive Masterpiece Starscream from Hasbro. I like that it mimics the color scheme of the G1 figure. By the way, your second link doesn't work, but I didn't need it anyway. I know what the Hasbro Starscream looks like, having seen it on the news section of will apparently carry this figure too.鈥?/a>
Care to comment on my poem? Anything you have to say is appreciated.?
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”Care to comment on my poem? Anything you have to say is appreciated.?
Unless the point of the poem is to look like a block of random text, I would suggest line breaks.muffler
Oh! The passion that lurks within the misty wood, Where milky white, blushing lilies giggle sweetly in whose golden cups bees dream as they should, Ecstasy in its highest most hallowed form! Cherry red Blossoms burst fitfully amongst humble underbrush like ballerinas begging to perform, Full of youth (times stubborn yet doomed foe) and innocence (son of sin) mad like frenzied schoolchildren drunk with the glory of dreamy afternoons Napping beside the towering oak-trees blending in deep maroons who like golden gods provide awe and inspiration thundering like typhoons! On whose craggy cadaver green dews drip sighing for the sun and adding to the scattered perfume oriental palaces outdone with inviting cushions of velvet fantasy, In the damp chestnut coolness the lark steals a glance from the bowing branch poised with ghostly silence, The crow envious of all cracks the air stiff with brooding nightly presence, While the rejected moon high in heaven impatient as the wind attempts a lonely grin spilling silvered lust upon the damp heavy earth. Ah! This land of Skyscrapers built from and for love, for the singing dove honey dove! Why go back to the thoughtless price tagged globe constructed and shoved with sinful hands for greedy demands, our fading empires becoming wastelands this dank rollback muck of prices, clanking metal, rusted steel locomotives roaring, I hear an old fuzzy recording of broken industrial tongues while you and I squirm and writhe searching for some kind of romance amongst eggplant inspirations longing for your heart amongst the dirty cigaretted Dorito neighborhood streets grey and coarse where yellow and dim lay the markets past the sad blue automobiles next to freshly mown stinking grass, and neatly trimmed gardens performing for neighborhood contests, antennas like maggots on corpses line the houses on our block, our windows tightly closed, curtains frightfully shut for the black sunset, skeletons wobble a single daisy I saw with a dead fly in her ear, a child weeping from the bluest of eyes an oozing soggy petroleum tear while his mother comforts him so “it’s only a dream you have nothing to fear”Care to comment on my poem? Anything you have to say is appreciated.?
Unless the point of the poem is to look like a block of random text, I would suggest line breaks.
Simple last question about Change in surplus?
Graph =
3.1. Area A represents the consumer surplus when the market price is _______.
A. $60
B. $100
C. $80
D. $120
What does area B (the gray shaded area) represent?
A. Total consumer surplus when the market price is $80
B. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $80 to $60
C. Total consumer surplus when the market price is $60
D. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $40 to $60Simple last question about Change in surplus?
COnsumer surplus is teh area under the demand curve but above the price. If a producer sold/auctioned each unit one by one, then they would get the whole area under the demand curve. (First sell to Alan, then second unit to Paul...) But since the same price applies to all, consumers who'd be willing to pay more enjoy a surplus.
Hence when price is 80, consumer surplus is area A, with Alan, Paul, Perkin and Kristen buying and enjoying surplus.
And C
When price falls, surplus increases as current customers get lower prices, and new customers are buying (they also have some surplus). That is, Brian can now buy, adn his surplus is the little square for the 5t unti sold and a height of 20. The erst of the grey aer go to Alan, Paul, Perkin and Kristen.
Answer BSimple last question about Change in surplus?
C $80
B. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $80 to $60Simple last question about Change in surplus?
C. $80
B. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $80 to $60
3.1. Area A represents the consumer surplus when the market price is _______.
A. $60
B. $100
C. $80
D. $120
What does area B (the gray shaded area) represent?
A. Total consumer surplus when the market price is $80
B. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $80 to $60
C. Total consumer surplus when the market price is $60
D. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $40 to $60Simple last question about Change in surplus?
COnsumer surplus is teh area under the demand curve but above the price. If a producer sold/auctioned each unit one by one, then they would get the whole area under the demand curve. (First sell to Alan, then second unit to Paul...) But since the same price applies to all, consumers who'd be willing to pay more enjoy a surplus.
Hence when price is 80, consumer surplus is area A, with Alan, Paul, Perkin and Kristen buying and enjoying surplus.
And C
When price falls, surplus increases as current customers get lower prices, and new customers are buying (they also have some surplus). That is, Brian can now buy, adn his surplus is the little square for the 5t unti sold and a height of 20. The erst of the grey aer go to Alan, Paul, Perkin and Kristen.
Answer BSimple last question about Change in surplus?
C $80
B. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $80 to $60Simple last question about Change in surplus?
C. $80
B. The change in total consumer surplus when the market price changes from $80 to $60
Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
66 killed in car bombing at Baghdad market By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer....
BAGHDAD,.. Iraq - A parked car bomb exploded at a popular outdoor market Saturday in a Shiite slum in Baghdad, killing at least 68 people and wounding dozens, authorities said. It was the bloodiest attack to hit Iraq since the death of terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The blast, which occurred around 10 a.m. when the Sadr City market was packed with shoppers, destroyed the stalls where food and clothes are peddled and sent up a plume of gray smoke. Flames shot out the windows of several scorched cars. The American Military was seen running away in fear.Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
I distictly remember our very own King George the II interrupting my tv programming to let me know that the war in Iraq was over and we won. Yet nothing changed. Why did I miss my shows just so he could lie to us again and send our young men and wonem to their deaths?
Just more justification for the coalition forces to stay and help the newly free elected government to build their security forces to combat these terrorist. You may think you sound clever, but you missed the mark entirely. Note to terrorist......if you want the coalition gone, then you need to figure out a peaceful co-existence with the current free elected government of Iraq. You are the only ones that are keeping us there.Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
well its hard to police the world without much help from these other countries
Peace in Iraq???? Did i fall asleep and miss something???Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
if you call this peace then please go bye a dictionary and look up the work peace.
a military wife
since when better watch news more
The American military was not seen running away in fear. Why do you add lies to the end of news articles you rehash here in Yahoo!Answers?
If you're angry about the situation in Iraq, and you have a monologue, aren't there more appropriate ways to express your views than with a false "question" in Yahoo Answers? Have you tried writing letters to your newspaper editors, at least?
It will never end, not now or 10 years from now.
So why not just get out now and save our lives.
We did a good job, but time to leave.鈥?/a> This makes me jump with joy "not"
You are a booger eating moron.
You need to send this to Bush. He might care, we don't.
Nobody's fault but the disease of the world - terrorists!
Its great to have peace and it would be even better to have our soldiers home
******** Pig!
BAGHDAD,.. Iraq - A parked car bomb exploded at a popular outdoor market Saturday in a Shiite slum in Baghdad, killing at least 68 people and wounding dozens, authorities said. It was the bloodiest attack to hit Iraq since the death of terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The blast, which occurred around 10 a.m. when the Sadr City market was packed with shoppers, destroyed the stalls where food and clothes are peddled and sent up a plume of gray smoke. Flames shot out the windows of several scorched cars. The American Military was seen running away in fear.Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
I distictly remember our very own King George the II interrupting my tv programming to let me know that the war in Iraq was over and we won. Yet nothing changed. Why did I miss my shows just so he could lie to us again and send our young men and wonem to their deaths?
Just more justification for the coalition forces to stay and help the newly free elected government to build their security forces to combat these terrorist. You may think you sound clever, but you missed the mark entirely. Note to terrorist......if you want the coalition gone, then you need to figure out a peaceful co-existence with the current free elected government of Iraq. You are the only ones that are keeping us there.Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
well its hard to police the world without much help from these other countries
Peace in Iraq???? Did i fall asleep and miss something???Are you happy we have peace in Iraq? Isn't this wonderful?
if you call this peace then please go bye a dictionary and look up the work peace.
a military wife
since when better watch news more
The American military was not seen running away in fear. Why do you add lies to the end of news articles you rehash here in Yahoo!Answers?
If you're angry about the situation in Iraq, and you have a monologue, aren't there more appropriate ways to express your views than with a false "question" in Yahoo Answers? Have you tried writing letters to your newspaper editors, at least?
It will never end, not now or 10 years from now.
So why not just get out now and save our lives.
We did a good job, but time to leave.鈥?/a> This makes me jump with joy "not"
You are a booger eating moron.
You need to send this to Bush. He might care, we don't.
Nobody's fault but the disease of the world - terrorists!
Its great to have peace and it would be even better to have our soldiers home
******** Pig!
Puma shoes help???..
here are the shoes i want. go on zoom and go to the 4th one down the dark grey ones.鈥?/a>
those are the ones i want but i cant buy them on this site.
can anyone find a site for me where i can order them pleaassee !
best answer gets full points!
thank you so muchPuma shoes help???..
u can buy them from that site
here are ur shoes!:鈥?/a>Puma shoes help???..
It goes to the welcome page of the Puma page. You'll have to give better directions to find the shoes.鈥?/a>
those are the ones i want but i cant buy them on this site.
can anyone find a site for me where i can order them pleaassee !
best answer gets full points!
thank you so muchPuma shoes help???..
u can buy them from that site
here are ur shoes!:鈥?/a>Puma shoes help???..
It goes to the welcome page of the Puma page. You'll have to give better directions to find the shoes.
Which Honda?
I'm in the market to buy a new car, and I'm debating between the Honda Fit Sport (in the dark gray, MT form) and a Honda Civic Coupe DX (in dark gray as well, with a MT). What are the benefits of both vehicles compared to each other? Which is the better choice? And if you've owned both, your input would be especially helpful-thanks all!Which Honda?
The DX is the bottom of the line in the Civic trims. You will not get the following in the DX.
Power windows
Power locks
Remote entry
Cruise control
CD player
MP3 connection
Alloy wheels
These will all be standard on the Fit Sport.
In my opinion you will get so much more for your money with the Fit Sport. If you add on the items missing from the DX that you want you would be able to move up in trim levels after paying for parts and labor to install them.
I'm surprised you were able to find one at a dealer, we don't order them at all.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Which Honda?
I used to sell Hondas about 10 years ago and I'll tell you right now the people who get the best price on Hondas are the Asian folks.. They always come in as a family and talk to each other in Chinese then talk to the Salesman and on and on.. They come in knowing exactly what they want and they get it.. They always want all the bells and whistles , sunroof etc. (i think that is usually the EX model) and they always pay the price of the base model.. So in essence they are getting a (loaded car) for the same price as the base model.. They never budge on the terms and will spend an hour or more just calmly sticking to their position... This is the gods honest truth and if you don't believe me..the next time you see an Asian family driving a new Japanese car you'll notice it always has a sun roof.. And they always got it for free... The salespeople are already prepared for this and don't mind giving in because they know they are going to buy that day-period. You will always get the best deal when they are confident you'll do business that day.. And if they say that your offer is too low or below invoice, don't worry because they still make a profit called a "holdback" This means that they are actually paying about 1500 dollars less then the invoice as long as they pay for the car to Honda USA within 30 days of delivery, which most do.. But never bring up holdback to the dealership that will really ticks them off. They consider it off limits.. Good Luck P.S. Some hot moving colors are not as negotiable.. Be flexible..
The Honda Fit.
The Fit is Go....Its small and compact.Which Honda?
I've owned a Honda Civic Coupe EX and it is an extremely nice vehicle and saves great on gas! Not too sure on the Honda Fit Sport....I would prefer the Coupe because it's alot nicer than the Fit...hence the name fit meaning you really gotta try to "fit" into that car! :p
One tiny advantage to the Fit is that is is a slightly larger vehicle inside where it counts. Taller and a bit wider than the Civic line, it is a more comfortable car to drive.
If you like your interiors tight, get the Civic. If you need legroom and headroom, get the Fit.
The DX is the bottom of the line in the Civic trims. You will not get the following in the DX.
Power windows
Power locks
Remote entry
Cruise control
CD player
MP3 connection
Alloy wheels
These will all be standard on the Fit Sport.
In my opinion you will get so much more for your money with the Fit Sport. If you add on the items missing from the DX that you want you would be able to move up in trim levels after paying for parts and labor to install them.
I'm surprised you were able to find one at a dealer, we don't order them at all.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Which Honda?
I used to sell Hondas about 10 years ago and I'll tell you right now the people who get the best price on Hondas are the Asian folks.. They always come in as a family and talk to each other in Chinese then talk to the Salesman and on and on.. They come in knowing exactly what they want and they get it.. They always want all the bells and whistles , sunroof etc. (i think that is usually the EX model) and they always pay the price of the base model.. So in essence they are getting a (loaded car) for the same price as the base model.. They never budge on the terms and will spend an hour or more just calmly sticking to their position... This is the gods honest truth and if you don't believe me..the next time you see an Asian family driving a new Japanese car you'll notice it always has a sun roof.. And they always got it for free... The salespeople are already prepared for this and don't mind giving in because they know they are going to buy that day-period. You will always get the best deal when they are confident you'll do business that day.. And if they say that your offer is too low or below invoice, don't worry because they still make a profit called a "holdback" This means that they are actually paying about 1500 dollars less then the invoice as long as they pay for the car to Honda USA within 30 days of delivery, which most do.. But never bring up holdback to the dealership that will really ticks them off. They consider it off limits.. Good Luck P.S. Some hot moving colors are not as negotiable.. Be flexible..
The Honda Fit.
The Fit is Go....Its small and compact.Which Honda?
I've owned a Honda Civic Coupe EX and it is an extremely nice vehicle and saves great on gas! Not too sure on the Honda Fit Sport....I would prefer the Coupe because it's alot nicer than the Fit...hence the name fit meaning you really gotta try to "fit" into that car! :p
One tiny advantage to the Fit is that is is a slightly larger vehicle inside where it counts. Taller and a bit wider than the Civic line, it is a more comfortable car to drive.
If you like your interiors tight, get the Civic. If you need legroom and headroom, get the Fit.
Are they real silver bars?
Went to the flea market and found a guy selling jewelry and a couple or bars of metal some market 999 others unmarket. He didn't know what the bars were and i bought them. Are they silver??? They are relatively heavy. They are small and about 650 grams in total. I bought an acid test kit and when i put the acid on them it didn't turn red it turned black or dark gray. What does this mean??? When I scratch them and then put acid on the mark the mark disappears. on one bar the black develops a creamy white on top. HELPAre they real silver bars?
If they are silver bars they will have a series of hallmarks on them somewhere - usually on the base. These are your guarantee that the bars have met a standard for production.
Typically each item will carry a Sterling Guarantee (such as a Lion if it British silver), a Town mark from where it was assayed (Anchor, Crown, Castle etc.) a Date Letter (normally in a shield, circle or square) to identify the year of Assay (A-Z or a-z) and a Makers Mark (Typically some initials such as HP%26amp;S, R.B etc.) They should also be stamped with a number, British silver for example will say 925 which means that it is 92.5% silver - the rest is a base metal. Pure 100% silver ingots do not exist as they need small quantities of another metal to allow them to harden at the smelting stage. Older silver items might say 900 i.e. 90% silver, so the silver quantity is lower, but then you are buying an antique item, 900 marked silver is most common for antique German and European silver.
You can buy 800 mark silver, but that is low quality silver.
However the abscence of these marks doesn't mean that the bars are not silver.
First get a magnet - silver is not magnetic, if it shows signs of being magnetic then you own white metal. The second test is malleability - silver (like gold) is soft and will easily (relatively) bend. If it's hard to the touch and won't bend then it's likely to be fake. Try and scrape the surface off slightly with a file or knife, if it scratches the surface then you have some kind of iron. Try the test too on an iron item so you have something to compare it with.
Also the price - silver is currently $45/ounce, so if you are offered something markedly cheaper per once than that you either have a bargain or have bought a fake item.
Lastly, if you still are unsure you will need to buy some special acid - which you will have to apply on a scratched surface area - fake gold/silver items are usually gold or silver plated so to the inexperienced eye they will look genuine. The acid then tests the metal and is the dead giveaway. As you have acid tested the metal and it hasn't turned the right colour it would seem that you have bought silver plated iron or something that looks like silver but is most likely iron. But make sure that you have scraped the surface coating off and tested the actual metal.
If after all that you still aren't sure...then find a high street jeweller - he will tell you straight away what you have bought. If it is fake, then you can try and get your money back but that might not be possible.Are they real silver bars?
it's supposed to turn black for silver.cb radio
If they are silver bars they will have a series of hallmarks on them somewhere - usually on the base. These are your guarantee that the bars have met a standard for production.
Typically each item will carry a Sterling Guarantee (such as a Lion if it British silver), a Town mark from where it was assayed (Anchor, Crown, Castle etc.) a Date Letter (normally in a shield, circle or square) to identify the year of Assay (A-Z or a-z) and a Makers Mark (Typically some initials such as HP%26amp;S, R.B etc.) They should also be stamped with a number, British silver for example will say 925 which means that it is 92.5% silver - the rest is a base metal. Pure 100% silver ingots do not exist as they need small quantities of another metal to allow them to harden at the smelting stage. Older silver items might say 900 i.e. 90% silver, so the silver quantity is lower, but then you are buying an antique item, 900 marked silver is most common for antique German and European silver.
You can buy 800 mark silver, but that is low quality silver.
However the abscence of these marks doesn't mean that the bars are not silver.
First get a magnet - silver is not magnetic, if it shows signs of being magnetic then you own white metal. The second test is malleability - silver (like gold) is soft and will easily (relatively) bend. If it's hard to the touch and won't bend then it's likely to be fake. Try and scrape the surface off slightly with a file or knife, if it scratches the surface then you have some kind of iron. Try the test too on an iron item so you have something to compare it with.
Also the price - silver is currently $45/ounce, so if you are offered something markedly cheaper per once than that you either have a bargain or have bought a fake item.
Lastly, if you still are unsure you will need to buy some special acid - which you will have to apply on a scratched surface area - fake gold/silver items are usually gold or silver plated so to the inexperienced eye they will look genuine. The acid then tests the metal and is the dead giveaway. As you have acid tested the metal and it hasn't turned the right colour it would seem that you have bought silver plated iron or something that looks like silver but is most likely iron. But make sure that you have scraped the surface coating off and tested the actual metal.
If after all that you still aren't sure...then find a high street jeweller - he will tell you straight away what you have bought. If it is fake, then you can try and get your money back but that might not be possible.Are they real silver bars?
it's supposed to turn black for silver.
Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
I'm posting this here because most of you take education seriously and have opinions. I also posted this in the education section.
Okay, I'm asking this Q because I have a high 3 gpa, ect, and the credentials to get in, plus I'm minority female and have two relatives who are alumni, and Michigan is open to legacy.
But the thing is, Michigan as a state kind of sucks right now. The weather is just awful-cold with snow (I live in the south), it's gray and dull there, foreclosures and poor job market and unusually high crime.
I grew up there and moved down here but most of my family still lives there.
I feel I have a 90% chance of getting in but do you think it's worth it because I'll have to live in Michigan? I know the school is recognized and that would help me a lot, but it's just....the state of Michigan:(((
What would you do if it were "you"? Thanks so much fore answering:)Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
I'm a Michigander. Yeah, it sucks here. I know. My dad recently lost his job. He graduated from U of M Ann Arbor, and knows firsthand how diverse and academically challenging the school is.
The weather is easy to get over, especially if you really want to go to U of M and you feel like it's the right place for you. This isn't medieval times; we don't worry about not making it through the winter. Gray and dull, yes, for 5 or 6 months.
Crime. . . if you have any street smarts and your parents told you not to talk to strangers, it's not as big of a problem as it seems! Where I live was pretty high on the national high crime rate list, too. Sure, it's not a comforting fact, but that doesn't mean that there aren't good neighborhoods to live in that are safer.
I don't have much to say about the housing market, cause I'm ignorant and know nothing about it other than it sucks.
I can't say much about the job market, either, other than the fact that i know how hard it is to be on a drastically reduced income.
Basically, if you think the school really is what you're looking for in terms of education, you should be able to overcome what you don't like about the state.Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
You didn't mention what your major would be, and if a diploma in that field from them would be more valuable than a diploma from another school. (EX: A law degree from Harvard is better than a law degree from Iowa.)
If you plan to be a writer, then a diploma from any college won't help you one way or another toward getting published. Your work is judged on its own merits by editors, not on where you went to school.
I am a few credits shy of a diploma in liberal arts from a famous engineering college (they have a lousy LA department), but that's never come up in my publishing career. I've sold 23 novels, and edited several collections.
BUT THAT ASIDE, I'd say don't let the fear of what-ifs put you off.
There are some very nice neighborhoods in Ann Arbor and the summers can be just as hot and muggy as the ones in the south.
Do a Google search of apartments in the area, read their reviews to make sure it's not a drug 'hood, and get on Google maps, as you can see what the streets look like at ground level.
I've lived up north, and it's no big thing. You wrap up warm and indulge in hot chocolate! (Yum!)
Travel is a great thing to widen your personal experience, and hey, they have Starbucks and McDonalds, same as any other town. Just stay sober, and be careful around those cute frat boys! ;%26gt;)Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
If you want to be great author, don't go to school for it. Live. Live a lot. Go place, do things, have adventures. Then pick up a copy of Elements of Style and, following it religiously, write about your life.
If you still MUST go to school for English, then let me tell you this: the weather of the place where the school is really ought to be the last thing on the list of things you're considering.
That being said, I certainly wouldn't go to Ann Arbor for English. It didn't even make the top 10 this year. You'd be much better off at Berkeley or Stanford.
Okay, I'm asking this Q because I have a high 3 gpa, ect, and the credentials to get in, plus I'm minority female and have two relatives who are alumni, and Michigan is open to legacy.
But the thing is, Michigan as a state kind of sucks right now. The weather is just awful-cold with snow (I live in the south), it's gray and dull there, foreclosures and poor job market and unusually high crime.
I grew up there and moved down here but most of my family still lives there.
I feel I have a 90% chance of getting in but do you think it's worth it because I'll have to live in Michigan? I know the school is recognized and that would help me a lot, but it's just....the state of Michigan:(((
What would you do if it were "you"? Thanks so much fore answering:)Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
I'm a Michigander. Yeah, it sucks here. I know. My dad recently lost his job. He graduated from U of M Ann Arbor, and knows firsthand how diverse and academically challenging the school is.
The weather is easy to get over, especially if you really want to go to U of M and you feel like it's the right place for you. This isn't medieval times; we don't worry about not making it through the winter. Gray and dull, yes, for 5 or 6 months.
Crime. . . if you have any street smarts and your parents told you not to talk to strangers, it's not as big of a problem as it seems! Where I live was pretty high on the national high crime rate list, too. Sure, it's not a comforting fact, but that doesn't mean that there aren't good neighborhoods to live in that are safer.
I don't have much to say about the housing market, cause I'm ignorant and know nothing about it other than it sucks.
I can't say much about the job market, either, other than the fact that i know how hard it is to be on a drastically reduced income.
Basically, if you think the school really is what you're looking for in terms of education, you should be able to overcome what you don't like about the state.Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
You didn't mention what your major would be, and if a diploma in that field from them would be more valuable than a diploma from another school. (EX: A law degree from Harvard is better than a law degree from Iowa.)
If you plan to be a writer, then a diploma from any college won't help you one way or another toward getting published. Your work is judged on its own merits by editors, not on where you went to school.
I am a few credits shy of a diploma in liberal arts from a famous engineering college (they have a lousy LA department), but that's never come up in my publishing career. I've sold 23 novels, and edited several collections.
BUT THAT ASIDE, I'd say don't let the fear of what-ifs put you off.
There are some very nice neighborhoods in Ann Arbor and the summers can be just as hot and muggy as the ones in the south.
Do a Google search of apartments in the area, read their reviews to make sure it's not a drug 'hood, and get on Google maps, as you can see what the streets look like at ground level.
I've lived up north, and it's no big thing. You wrap up warm and indulge in hot chocolate! (Yum!)
Travel is a great thing to widen your personal experience, and hey, they have Starbucks and McDonalds, same as any other town. Just stay sober, and be careful around those cute frat boys! ;%26gt;)Authors,University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
If you want to be great author, don't go to school for it. Live. Live a lot. Go place, do things, have adventures. Then pick up a copy of Elements of Style and, following it religiously, write about your life.
If you still MUST go to school for English, then let me tell you this: the weather of the place where the school is really ought to be the last thing on the list of things you're considering.
That being said, I certainly wouldn't go to Ann Arbor for English. It didn't even make the top 10 this year. You'd be much better off at Berkeley or Stanford.
University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
Okay, I'm asking this because I have a high 3 gpa, ect, and the credentials to get in, plus I'm minority female and have two relatives who are alumni, and Michigan is open to legacy.
But the thing is, Michigan as a state kind of sucks right now. The weather is just awful-cold with snow (I live in the south), it's gray and dull there, foreclosures and poor job market and unusually high crime.
I grew up there and moved down here but most of my family still lives there.
I feel I have a 90% chance of getting in but do you think it's worth it because I'll have to live in Michigan? I know the school is recognized and that would help me a lot, but it's just....the state of Michigan:(((
What would you do if it were "you"? Thanks so much fore answering:)University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
well Michigan is constantly ranked as one of the best public schools in the world. It has winners of the Nobel Prize in every category. The education they give is fantastic. Ann Arbor as a city is not bad at all. Yes the winters can get cold but it's good to experience that kind of winter since you're from the South. There are many things to do in the city and it is really lively.
Many people would give anything to be able to go there and if you get accepted I would definitely attend.University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
i'd never be a wolverine and live in michigan but apply and see what happens.University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
If you can get into U of M, absolutely do it! It is one of the best schools in the country, especially if you're getting into the medical field.
Michigan weather isn't so bad. It changes constantly, so once you get sick of the snow it's back to hot, humid summer days.
Well U of M has a lot of great programs, and they are great at getting their graduates good jobs (not necesarily in Michigan). I have been to Ann Arbor and it is nothing like Detroit. Its a typical college town, and the campus is very beautiful. You wont feel like youre in Michigan other than the weather, but unless you want to stay in the south youre going to have to face the wind and snow at one point or another. Id say go for it, U of M is a great school. I think it may be the top public university in the nation, if not, its very close.
But the thing is, Michigan as a state kind of sucks right now. The weather is just awful-cold with snow (I live in the south), it's gray and dull there, foreclosures and poor job market and unusually high crime.
I grew up there and moved down here but most of my family still lives there.
I feel I have a 90% chance of getting in but do you think it's worth it because I'll have to live in Michigan? I know the school is recognized and that would help me a lot, but it's just....the state of Michigan:(((
What would you do if it were "you"? Thanks so much fore answering:)University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
well Michigan is constantly ranked as one of the best public schools in the world. It has winners of the Nobel Prize in every category. The education they give is fantastic. Ann Arbor as a city is not bad at all. Yes the winters can get cold but it's good to experience that kind of winter since you're from the South. There are many things to do in the city and it is really lively.
Many people would give anything to be able to go there and if you get accepted I would definitely attend.University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
i'd never be a wolverine and live in michigan but apply and see what happens.University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Should I Go There?
If you can get into U of M, absolutely do it! It is one of the best schools in the country, especially if you're getting into the medical field.
Michigan weather isn't so bad. It changes constantly, so once you get sick of the snow it's back to hot, humid summer days.
Well U of M has a lot of great programs, and they are great at getting their graduates good jobs (not necesarily in Michigan). I have been to Ann Arbor and it is nothing like Detroit. Its a typical college town, and the campus is very beautiful. You wont feel like youre in Michigan other than the weather, but unless you want to stay in the south youre going to have to face the wind and snow at one point or another. Id say go for it, U of M is a great school. I think it may be the top public university in the nation, if not, its very close.
I am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
advice which coloro goes to males which females like the most , garnier and loral is available in indian market and with indian shades, please spacify the color shade too.
i thing netural heena dose not goes to male advice what should i do with hairsI am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
Loreal makes both of these colorings and they are both great products, with good coverage and lasting color. You may have to leave it on a bit longer where you are Indian because your hair strands are thicker. If you have questions you check the product site for info or look on the box and call the toll free number to speak to an expert.
I think they will be able to help you more than anyone.
I have used both and aside from one being made of natural materials and the other more chemicals they both cover early gray about the same.
Hope this helps you ;) Good luck
don't mess with mother nature..let her take her courseI am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
No, no. Salt-and-pepper hair can be very appealing in a man. At least I think it makes a man look more sophisticated.
If you really must dye your hair, then go for the closest thing that looks like your natural hair color.
Don't do it! Live the life you love and love the life you live!I am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
No. Stay natural because you are a desi!
well, it's up to you
if you want to have a better color, yes
if you don't want to damage your hair, no
my nateral color is black, but i dyed by hair red
Either Loreal or Garnier should work for you. Make it black, not jet black, but natural black.
I'm white and have a gray beard, I think you worry to much.
no u shouldn't, just leave it. i dont like men who dye their hair.
No, grays fine on a man.
Sometimes you need to do so to help you feel better about yourself.
yeah you should and you should color burgundy
nah its fine
yes you should color it
Defiantly, I would for sure color your hair.
Apply /Henna on hair --
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i thing netural heena dose not goes to male advice what should i do with hairsI am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
Loreal makes both of these colorings and they are both great products, with good coverage and lasting color. You may have to leave it on a bit longer where you are Indian because your hair strands are thicker. If you have questions you check the product site for info or look on the box and call the toll free number to speak to an expert.
I think they will be able to help you more than anyone.
I have used both and aside from one being made of natural materials and the other more chemicals they both cover early gray about the same.
Hope this helps you ;) Good luck
don't mess with mother nature..let her take her courseI am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
No, no. Salt-and-pepper hair can be very appealing in a man. At least I think it makes a man look more sophisticated.
If you really must dye your hair, then go for the closest thing that looks like your natural hair color.
Don't do it! Live the life you love and love the life you live!I am Indian , and 40 age , have some gray, should i color my hairs?
No. Stay natural because you are a desi!
well, it's up to you
if you want to have a better color, yes
if you don't want to damage your hair, no
my nateral color is black, but i dyed by hair red
Either Loreal or Garnier should work for you. Make it black, not jet black, but natural black.
I'm white and have a gray beard, I think you worry to much.
no u shouldn't, just leave it. i dont like men who dye their hair.
No, grays fine on a man.
Sometimes you need to do so to help you feel better about yourself.
yeah you should and you should color burgundy
nah its fine
yes you should color it
Defiantly, I would for sure color your hair.
Apply /Henna on hair --
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:/Henna on hair
Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne-pimple cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin
Hot oil massages/protien treatment/Henna on hair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags
Herbal tips/Herbal recipe
Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/
hair highlighting/Weightloss /Hairremoval/ etc...
Buy your favourite brands beauty products from ----
HELP ASAP? What to wear to a marketing job interview?
Im 18 and vie got an interview as a sales advisor at a marketing company TOMORROW. They said to arrive 'smartly dressed'. I don't want to look like im going to school. I have a grey formal dress but it shows the tattoo on my arm. All the tattoo is writing on my arm. Ive got a white blouse with frills and a plain black bow and a pencil skirt. WHICH ONE? Or should i choose something else.HELP ASAP? What to wear to a marketing job interview?
You want to dress well, even if it is only an entry-level job.
If your tattoo will be showing, I would recommend wearing long sleeves -- maybe a turtle neck, or long-sleeved blouse. If you want to wear short sleeves, make sure you cover up with makeup, but...I wouldnt recommend wearing a white blouse in that case, as it could smudge.
A pencil skirt sounds great, but make sure it is not too short.
Good luck!!! :)HELP ASAP? What to wear to a marketing job interview?
Knee-pads and pig tails.HELP ASAP? What to wear to a marketing job interview?
black suit is the best!
You want to dress well, even if it is only an entry-level job.
If your tattoo will be showing, I would recommend wearing long sleeves -- maybe a turtle neck, or long-sleeved blouse. If you want to wear short sleeves, make sure you cover up with makeup, but...I wouldnt recommend wearing a white blouse in that case, as it could smudge.
A pencil skirt sounds great, but make sure it is not too short.
Good luck!!! :)HELP ASAP? What to wear to a marketing job interview?
Knee-pads and pig tails.HELP ASAP? What to wear to a marketing job interview?
black suit is the best!
Can you please reccommend a product that will cover a mans gray hair - (mustache).?
Can you please reccommend a product that will cover a mans gray hair - (mustache).
I have tried numerous products but seem to be allergec to them, as my skin gets red,
burning, and itchy.
I have tried - "Just for men beard and mustache", "Clarol for men", Henna, and Henna creme.
The Henna did not irritate my skin, but didnt cover the gray.
The other products I mentioned worked, but again my skin was red, burning, itchy.
If you could reccommend ANYTHING, I would greatly appreciate it.There are so many products on the market that I
keep buying and trying only to get the same results.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you in advanceCan you please reccommend a product that will cover a mans gray hair - (mustache).?
Go to a cosmetic counter at your local deparment store and go to Lancome. They have a type of mascara for eyebrows that works for mustaches as well. It is hypoallergenic, so it shouldn't bother your skin.Can you please reccommend a product that will cover a mans gray hair - (mustache).?
I'm not 100% sure, but if your skin is okay with. then you can maybe dye your hair (Mustache) black, but that might mess up your hair later on in your life. But if you want to try that, you can go ask a hair specialist that you are familiar with, like someone at a hair salon. I'm really sorry if this doesn't help, but no matter what, I'm sure you'll find a way. But if you are REALLYx2 desperate, and you may NOT want to do this, but you can shave off your mustache. But don't do that unless you are REALLY desperate. Other than that, I have nothung else to say. Read this very slowly and see if this will help!!!!traffic school
I have tried numerous products but seem to be allergec to them, as my skin gets red,
burning, and itchy.
I have tried - "Just for men beard and mustache", "Clarol for men", Henna, and Henna creme.
The Henna did not irritate my skin, but didnt cover the gray.
The other products I mentioned worked, but again my skin was red, burning, itchy.
If you could reccommend ANYTHING, I would greatly appreciate it.There are so many products on the market that I
keep buying and trying only to get the same results.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you in advanceCan you please reccommend a product that will cover a mans gray hair - (mustache).?
Go to a cosmetic counter at your local deparment store and go to Lancome. They have a type of mascara for eyebrows that works for mustaches as well. It is hypoallergenic, so it shouldn't bother your skin.Can you please reccommend a product that will cover a mans gray hair - (mustache).?
I'm not 100% sure, but if your skin is okay with. then you can maybe dye your hair (Mustache) black, but that might mess up your hair later on in your life. But if you want to try that, you can go ask a hair specialist that you are familiar with, like someone at a hair salon. I'm really sorry if this doesn't help, but no matter what, I'm sure you'll find a way. But if you are REALLYx2 desperate, and you may NOT want to do this, but you can shave off your mustache. But don't do that unless you are REALLY desperate. Other than that, I have nothung else to say. Read this very slowly and see if this will help!!!!
Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
Eight years ago I was dead on the table for six minutes and had a Near Death Experience. In the following weeks my beard, neck and chest hairs turned gray. The only people I talked about this was a neurologist, a psychologist, a pastor and two friends: they all said I was OK. Otherwise, I haven't said anything about it to anyone - until today.
Sometimes I am asked by women how I got my gray hairs. Is it socially appropriate to tell the truth? So far I have made jokes about it; like the IRS, the stock market or lately, the price of gasoline. Is mentioning my NDE going to push people away?Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
I think I would be facinated by that story, I've never heard of such a thing. I didn't know it was possible. You should tell them if you're comfortable doing so, it'll break the ice.
I don't see why it would push people away. It's an amazing story to tell. You lived and I think others would seriously be amazed.Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
i have no idea... you can only be sure what will happen if you try it
Actually you'd probably get a sympathy card and get a good response, girls will probably throw you the "awww thank goodness you're alright" might as well throw it out there, it happened good to know you're alive man.Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
i doubt it'll push people away...actually sounds like a fun topic, haha. unless the NDE will affect your life (in terms of health)
it shouldnt be bad to talk about.
no way it sounds like an interesting story. who asks why you have gray hair anyway. i think that's a weird question.
I wouldn't mind if a guy told me .......................
I'm pretty sure that would make me even MORE interested in you.
Sometimes I am asked by women how I got my gray hairs. Is it socially appropriate to tell the truth? So far I have made jokes about it; like the IRS, the stock market or lately, the price of gasoline. Is mentioning my NDE going to push people away?Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
I think I would be facinated by that story, I've never heard of such a thing. I didn't know it was possible. You should tell them if you're comfortable doing so, it'll break the ice.
I don't see why it would push people away. It's an amazing story to tell. You lived and I think others would seriously be amazed.Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
i have no idea... you can only be sure what will happen if you try it
Actually you'd probably get a sympathy card and get a good response, girls will probably throw you the "awww thank goodness you're alright" might as well throw it out there, it happened good to know you're alive man.Is it appropriate to tell women how I got my Gray Hair?
i doubt it'll push people away...actually sounds like a fun topic, haha. unless the NDE will affect your life (in terms of health)
it shouldnt be bad to talk about.
no way it sounds like an interesting story. who asks why you have gray hair anyway. i think that's a weird question.
I wouldn't mind if a guy told me .......................
I'm pretty sure that would make me even MORE interested in you.
What shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
I am having difficulty finding shoes to match this dress: It is from White House Black Market and, since I can't find a picture, I'll explain it. It is a strapless, knee length dress that starts at the top in a steel gray, then it fades into and almost white at the waist. It then fades back to the original steel color at the bottom. Also, there are large black flowers around the bottom of the dress.
I am wearing this dress to an outdoor wedding next month, so no super high heels! I would just like to have another opinion on what color and what style of shoe I should try to get. Thanks!!What shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
black %26amp; white nikis
Try Dolly shoes They all ways work :DWhat shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
try to match with silver or white high heels, in simple but elegant design; or just choose the shoes in color of your assessory with that dress
wear heals but wear them in a blackWhat shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
id wear silver or grey flip flops, then again i wear flip flops with everything!
go with wedges. they're good for weddings and they don't look trashy with a dress. they're very summery and look good with dresses.
i think u should wear some silver sparkle dollies. there r some in new look and there quite stylish! um i think they would go really well with the black and white !
Go with black flats or kitten heels, since its a neutral dress black would work the best
Sliver color heels
Black dolly shoes
oh my gosh!! thats such a funny coincidence i have that same dress!! well i have and well this is really cute with the dress if i think its the one i have.鈥?/a>
you can also look in payless for shoes that are much cheaper and more to your liking. hope you have fun in the wedding!
I am wearing this dress to an outdoor wedding next month, so no super high heels! I would just like to have another opinion on what color and what style of shoe I should try to get. Thanks!!What shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
black %26amp; white nikis
Try Dolly shoes They all ways work :DWhat shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
try to match with silver or white high heels, in simple but elegant design; or just choose the shoes in color of your assessory with that dress
wear heals but wear them in a blackWhat shoes should I wear with a gray and black dress?
id wear silver or grey flip flops, then again i wear flip flops with everything!
go with wedges. they're good for weddings and they don't look trashy with a dress. they're very summery and look good with dresses.
i think u should wear some silver sparkle dollies. there r some in new look and there quite stylish! um i think they would go really well with the black and white !
Go with black flats or kitten heels, since its a neutral dress black would work the best
Sliver color heels
Black dolly shoes
oh my gosh!! thats such a funny coincidence i have that same dress!! well i have and well this is really cute with the dress if i think its the one i have.鈥?/a>
you can also look in payless for shoes that are much cheaper and more to your liking. hope you have fun in the wedding!
I am looking for a charcoal gray blazer with a ruffle on the back part, can you help?
I have been scouring every place on the internet I can stand just to find this jacket. I see in my head what I want, but it seems like everything is two steps removed from the style. I'd like something in a charcoal gray, but with what I can only describe as a "butt ruffle" on the back, several layers of fabric layered in a feminine way, kind of like a bustle effect. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but I'm having a hard time and it seems like something someone would have come up with already. If you can be of any help, THANK YOU!!!
p.s. Let's just go ahead and clarify that I am not in the market for high fashion (i.e. $700 for a jacket)I am looking for a charcoal gray blazer with a ruffle on the back part, can you help?
Share a safe and inexpensive stores: keep using it.4
p.s. Let's just go ahead and clarify that I am not in the market for high fashion (i.e. $700 for a jacket)I am looking for a charcoal gray blazer with a ruffle on the back part, can you help?
Share a safe and inexpensive stores: keep using it.4
Does anyone know what Adelaide school this might be?? details inside =]?
i was on an excursion at the central market and there was another school there. their uniform was a blue %26amp; white dress for girls and a white top buttoned all the way down (i think) and black or gray pants for guys. Its an Adelaide school any details of a possible school would be greatly appriciated!!! thanx =]
PS.= it was a high schoolDoes anyone know what Adelaide school this might be?? details inside =]?
Sounds like almost every highschool uniform
PS.= it was a high schoolDoes anyone know what Adelaide school this might be?? details inside =]?
Sounds like almost every highschool uniform
Wiring fog lights in gmc sonoma?
I have a 99 gmc sonoma that did not come with the factory installed fog lights.
Im using an after market kit but trying to use the stock switch. I can get them to light up, but only when holding the fog light switch. What module do I need to wire up to?
I have the full fog light wiring diagram, I just don't know how to read the thing.
On the switch, theres a black ground, orange 12+, purple fog light "on" light and gray dash lightWiring fog lights in gmc sonoma?
Um the factory system is wired to only work if the park lamps are on and/or the low beam headlamps are on. If you don't have those lamps on or have the high beams on, they don't stay on.Wiring fog lights in gmc sonoma?
Wire it to the battery.peterbilt
Im using an after market kit but trying to use the stock switch. I can get them to light up, but only when holding the fog light switch. What module do I need to wire up to?
I have the full fog light wiring diagram, I just don't know how to read the thing.
On the switch, theres a black ground, orange 12+, purple fog light "on" light and gray dash lightWiring fog lights in gmc sonoma?
Um the factory system is wired to only work if the park lamps are on and/or the low beam headlamps are on. If you don't have those lamps on or have the high beams on, they don't stay on.Wiring fog lights in gmc sonoma?
Wire it to the battery.
Beanie Babie labeled wrong?
I got a Waves the whale beanie babie at the flea market. However, i looked at the tags, and both of them say Echo, which is a dolphin. Waves is black and white with a rounded nose, Echo is gray and white with a pointed nose. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen this before? Also if anyone knows how much it would be worth?Beanie Babie labeled wrong?
I have those as well. I'm not sure of the worth, but check the beanie baby website.
They have the values of all thoseBeanie Babie labeled wrong?
Misprints do make a beanie baby more rare and therefore worth more if the tag and all remain intact. However, this was back when they were popular. Nowadays, you'll have to hunt down a heavily interested buyer to get anything worth while for it.
I have those as well. I'm not sure of the worth, but check the beanie baby website.
They have the values of all thoseBeanie Babie labeled wrong?
Misprints do make a beanie baby more rare and therefore worth more if the tag and all remain intact. However, this was back when they were popular. Nowadays, you'll have to hunt down a heavily interested buyer to get anything worth while for it.
Does Communism work better than capitalism? Der Speagal thinks so.?
February 27, 2007
Does Communism Work After All?
By Andreas Lorenz and Wieland Wagner
China is securing an ever-bigger share of the world market with the methods of a planned economy. Competitors and economists alike are astounded by the country's seemingly unstoppable march to becoming a global economic superpower. The development has left many wondering: Does communism work after all?
Boom City Shanghai: President Hu Jintao and his Communist Party are experiencing explosive success across the country.
Getty Images
Boom City Shanghai: President Hu Jintao and his Communist Party are experiencing explosive success across the country.
Nine men dressed in dark tailored suits meet behind high, Red walls. Their secret meeting place in downtown Beijing is called Zhongnanhai, or "Middle and Southern Lake." Once part of the Forbidden City, Zhongnanhai was a place where emperors, concubines and eunuchs would spend their days concocting court intrigues. Some of the buildings from those feudal days are still standing today, joined by functional, gray and white structures built when the Chinese Communist Party established its headquarters here.
The nine men -- who constitute the Standing Committee of the Communist Party's Politburo, the most-powerful political body in the Middle Kingdom -- meet in the southern section of this refuge. Their discreet meeting is businesslike. The group's members were not elected by the people and they are not interested in being observed while governing. Cameras are banned and there is a conspicuous absence of jovial pats on the back or ready smiles for the evening news.
Find out how you can reprint this DER SPIEGEL article in your publication.
None of the members of this sombre squad is known for his charisma. President Hu Jintao, 64, the head of state and Communist Party leader, and his eight colleagues are stiff technocrats. Hu, the son of a tea merchant from Jiangsu Province, holds a degree in hydroelectric engineering. The others are trained in fields like electrical engineering, metallurgy or geology.
But the discussions and decisions made here within the ranks of China's Politburo affect the well-being of 1.3 billion Chinese -- and increasingly the rest of the world. If the Middle Kingdom were not a country, but rather a giant company -- let's call it Red China, Inc. -- then the Politburo would be its all-powerful board of directors.
And if Hu were not a communist official but rather a capitalist corporate boss, he would find himself inundated with job offers worldwide. Competitors in the capitalist West can only dream of the successes he and his fellow communist leaders *** business executives have achieved.
Hardly a day goes by on which Asia's giant, Red corporation does not report new and dazzling business figures. And the more helplessly Western heads of state -- from United States President George W. Bush to German Chancellor Angela Merkel -- attempt to reform their traditional market economies, the more enviously the capitalist world eyes China's frenzied growth, all the while asking itself: Does communism work after all?
China's speedy ascent to become a global economic superpower is troubling to many: to the industrialized nations of the West because they fear for their jobs; to politicians because the global balance of power is shifting; and, last but not least, to economists because it is so puzzling to them.
Red China, Inc.: Does communism work after all?
Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (7 Photos)
Economists' theories are based on the recognition that market forces alone drive economic growth. The state's only role is to ensure that competition functions and that no one is able to abuse his power in the marketplace to an inadmissible degree.
A Midas touch
For these economists, the fall of the Iron Curtain offered glaring proof that their hypotheses were correct. Indeed, planned economies in Soviet bloc countries were failures, creating poverty instead of affluence and leaving industrial wastelands in their wake. Yet China is flourishing. With a blend of a planned economy and unbridled capitalism that you won't find mentioned in any textbook, the country is capturing world markets and achieving double-digit growth year after year.
Hu and his Red board of directors appear to have something akin to the Midas touch. With their country, which amounts to a gigantic, low-cost factory, they have already managed to accumulate more than $1 trillion in foreign currency reserves. In theory, at least, the communist People's Republic of China, has now joined the United States, the global capitalist superpower, in deciding the fate of the world's leading currency.
In 2005, China leapfrogged over France and Great Britain to become the world's fourth-largest economy. The country's new spot in the rankings came as the result of an omission on the part of its communist bosses: Already blessed with so much growth, they had simply forgotten to include a large portion of their giant service sector in China's economic statistics.
American sinologist Roderick MacFarquhar is astonished by China's performance. "Never before," says MacFarquhar, "has so much wealth been created by so many people in such a short time span."
If China continues to grow at the same pace, it will oust Germany as the world's third-biggest economy in only two years, perhaps even dethroning the United States from its leading position one day. In 2005, China was already the US's second-largest goods supplier and Japan's largest. Not satisfied with being No. 2, Beijing's strategists are continuing their plans to shower the world with inexpensive products such as T-shirts and DVD players -- and, increasingly, with Chinese high technology.
A fast-developing tech sector
China recently surpassed Germany in the number of patents it registers. With its latest five-year plan, the country's Communist Party has set itself an ambitious goal of catapulting China to world-class heights in the fields of science and technology. According to the plan, Chinese probes will orbit the moon next year and land on it by 2010. China's space ambitions also include a bizarre aural spectacle: Its lunar orbiters will transmit 150 pop songs back to earth, including a Chinese tune titled "We Love our China."
Photo Gallery: China's Celestial Ambitions
Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (8 Photos)
The Communist Party's economic successes aren't its only impressive achievement. Chinese cities are safer than places like S茫o Paulo or Bogot谩, and they seem cleaner and more orderly than the slums of Nairobi or Soweto in South Africa. Beijing and Shanghai boast a lively cultural scene, and broadband Internet access is already taken for granted in the country's major cities. Mobile phone reception is even available in small villages.
Communist Party leader Hu and his Politburo colleagues aren't the only ones behind the changes that have swept across this vast country. True, they are responsible for coming up with the overriding strategies behind China's economic miracle, and for this task they take the necessary time -- hours that Western politicians waste doing the rounds on talk shows. But the Politburo also routinely solicits advice and reports on the latest global trends in science and business -- on issues running the gamut from biotechnology to health insurance -- from academics in so-called "study sessions." This being a communist land, these sessions would of course be incomplete without the requisite lectures on China's revolutionary history and Marxist theory.
Graphic: The Government System of the People's Republic China
Graphic: The Government System of the People's Republic China
The State Council, China's cabinet -- headed by the pedantic and schoolmaster-like 64-year-old Prime Minister Wen Jiabao -- deals with the day-to-day business of government. The cabinet meets at least three times a month, as required by law, in a building located a stone's throw from the offices of the Politburo. Meetings are graced with tall beauties dressed in red outfits and white gloves, who serve cabinet members green tea from the Wuyuan district in Jiangxi Province.
Red China, Inc.'s central nervous system
In addition to Wen, this inner circle of the Chinese government includes four deputy premiers, five members of the State Council (including one general) and a secretary general. Comprised of eight men and two women, the group directs and coordinates the work of 28 ministries and commissions, including the country's central bank and its central auditing authority. It also presides over an immense number of government agencies, including China's official news agency, Xinhua, the Academy of Sciences, the customs agency, the weather bureau, an agency in charge of grain production and distribution and -- not to be overlooked -- the Administration of Government Offices, which provides high-ranking officials with living quarters, cars and vacation homes.
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All the elements in the network that make up Red China, Inc. come together in Wen's State Council. The body controls daily life in China with a plethora of decrees, memorandums, plans, measures and responses. In the month of September alone, it issued a decree on the "Administration of Payment of the Automobile Sales Tax," approved "Basic Regulations for the Electricity Market" and organized "Safety Inspections of Dams that include Power Plants."
A decade and a half after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a communist country appears to be relentlessly transforming itself into an economic superpower. Its recipe for success is, at first glance, the five-year-plan -- one which dismayed Western politicians have routinely dismissed for such features as its ban on private ownership of land and its manipulation of currency exchange rates.
Having your cake and eating it too
But five-year plans are only one side of the coin in China's vast realm. The other is a wildly unfettered capitalism geared solely toward naked profit. And when it comes to turning a profit, hardly anything seems sacred anymore, not even for China's communists. The Great Hall of the People in Beijing is a case in point. If the National People's Congress doesn't happen to be in session or President Hu isn't using the magnificent building -- with its more than 300 rooms and enormous paintings depicting scenes from the revolution -- to receive foreign dignitaries, the government simply rents it out. Recently, US automaker Ford used the building to unveil its latest line of car models, and fast food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken opted for the elegance of the Great Hall to hold a meeting of its more than 2,100 Chinese restaurant managers.
Ironically enough, while economists in Europe and the United States advocate "less government" and "open markets" as a response to globalization and the Chinese challenge, the Marxist-Leninist party that rules China blatantly avails itself of every advantage of capitalism while steadfastly refusing to give up state control over the economy.
Graphic: Awakening Giant
Graphic: Awakening Giant
ICBC, a major Chinese bank, recently conducted the biggest initial public offering in financial history, floating shares worth the equivalent of $22 billion on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges. In a win-win situation for China's communists, the bank's value rose to more than $200 billion, and yet Beijing retains control over ICBC. The country's three largest telecommunications companies are also state-owned. Two years ago, the Communist Party simply reshuffled senior executives among the three companies.
Is China, one of the most undemocratic nations on earth, setting an example for democratic countries on how to effectively solve problems? Do China's successes fly in the face of every critic and skeptic who believes that Marxism-Leninism and capitalism are as incompatible as the devil and holy water?
" A social market economy with Chinese characteristics"%26gt;%26gt;
: Blogs discussing this story|||First of all, communism, as a porduction method, doesn't exist since the dawn of men. What China, Russia, and all the former 'red' nations live by, or lived by, it's socialism, an hybrid of pure communism.
Now, going back to the China issue. China's more capitalist that many of us want to acknowledge. Remember Karl Marx used to talk about how the basis of capitalism was to generate plusvalue through the exploitation of the labor force, something China's proven to do perfectly with it's low wages and control of inner market.
I see China as a two-faced country. On one side, you have Hong Kong, Shanghai, and all those fancy cities were progress and industrialization are present. And you have the rural China, wre things haven't changed much since the times of Mao.
So the success of a mode, or way, of production depends on the culture, traditions, and behaviour of the society were they're imposed. I'm sure socialism would be ghastly for the USA, but alo there are places in the world were ful-on capitalism has brought poverty and huge social differences.
Hope I helped a little bit. Sorry if my english is bad.|||Dont be shy make this a long question. After reading it what I want to know is what was the question?|||I almost gave up looking for the box to respond. You should definitely shorten your question.
Concerning Communism vs. Capitalism - a good example would be North Korea.
I'll take the good ol' US of A any day. I already served proudly and honorable for 20+ years before retiring.|||No communism is a failed sytem due to the fact that Humanst controll it|||There has been an obvious shift toward the center by most countries of the world. Only Americans blindly ignore half these shifts and figure the right is working. Neither the extreme right nor the extreme left works, you need to take the best of all systems.|||both the US and China are directed capitalistic states but to different degrees. No, both Fascist|||You sure are verbose. Are you trying to sell me, or ask a question? I think if you read history and observe what is in process at any given point in time you would see that systems begin in opposition and slowly adapt to each other. Of course revolution is a exception to that. What is happening in south America right now is an example of adaption. What is going on in China is the same only further along. Suggest you read Karl Marx you are watching the implementation of his directions. Wealth dose not co notate intelligence, or compassion, on the other under-educated, poor and starving people will eventually at tact the "king of the royal mountain", we must in very short order devise a new system which is fair to all, and rewards according to contribution to all of mankind.|||If you define success by slave labor tactics and using children to manufacture toys that they will never use themselves then yes it's a rousing success. Less the abuse, starvation, lack of health insurance and meager pay. While, all the while creating wealth for the heads of State. Then yes Communism is a success. Not!|||No I don't think it does. Think Russia %26amp; East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Those people under communist rule had poorer health, shorter lifespans, greater unemployment, fewer products to meet their needs %26amp; extraordinarily poor service. Long, long lines for everything they wanted to buy; groceries, clothing - you name it, they waited %26amp; waited %26amp; waited. Service was poor because there was no incentive to do a good job.
I don't care what Dr Speagel (spelling?) says. They led miserable lives w/o any freedoms.
If you think communism is better there are plenty of countries you can move to.|||Communism can not hold a flame to capitalism.
There is no incentive in communism to be entrepreneurial and take risks. Nor is there reason to hardly work at all. Communism would put economic and technological growth at a complete standstill.
Individuals need incentive to take risks and work hard, capitalism is the system that provides this.|||The assumption in your question is that:
China is a comunist country. IT IS NOT. Read the principles of Marx and you may find out that communism any country with strong central government can not qualify.
Go to China and you will find out a lot of typical capitalistic exploatation.
Sit in your chair and watch NBC, CBS, CNN and alike and you will find out that .. China is a communist country, that people in China and unhappy and we need to help them ... that we ... Americans ... are happy.
You will find also that Americans love to go to work, have 2 weeks vacations that they often do not take. You will find out that Americans are happy when stock market goes up (stock market goes up, when profits go up. Profits go up when companies give less money to workers, or replace them with ones that demand less, or outsource.)
Does Communism Work After All?
By Andreas Lorenz and Wieland Wagner
China is securing an ever-bigger share of the world market with the methods of a planned economy. Competitors and economists alike are astounded by the country's seemingly unstoppable march to becoming a global economic superpower. The development has left many wondering: Does communism work after all?
Boom City Shanghai: President Hu Jintao and his Communist Party are experiencing explosive success across the country.
Getty Images
Boom City Shanghai: President Hu Jintao and his Communist Party are experiencing explosive success across the country.
Nine men dressed in dark tailored suits meet behind high, Red walls. Their secret meeting place in downtown Beijing is called Zhongnanhai, or "Middle and Southern Lake." Once part of the Forbidden City, Zhongnanhai was a place where emperors, concubines and eunuchs would spend their days concocting court intrigues. Some of the buildings from those feudal days are still standing today, joined by functional, gray and white structures built when the Chinese Communist Party established its headquarters here.
The nine men -- who constitute the Standing Committee of the Communist Party's Politburo, the most-powerful political body in the Middle Kingdom -- meet in the southern section of this refuge. Their discreet meeting is businesslike. The group's members were not elected by the people and they are not interested in being observed while governing. Cameras are banned and there is a conspicuous absence of jovial pats on the back or ready smiles for the evening news.
Find out how you can reprint this DER SPIEGEL article in your publication.
None of the members of this sombre squad is known for his charisma. President Hu Jintao, 64, the head of state and Communist Party leader, and his eight colleagues are stiff technocrats. Hu, the son of a tea merchant from Jiangsu Province, holds a degree in hydroelectric engineering. The others are trained in fields like electrical engineering, metallurgy or geology.
But the discussions and decisions made here within the ranks of China's Politburo affect the well-being of 1.3 billion Chinese -- and increasingly the rest of the world. If the Middle Kingdom were not a country, but rather a giant company -- let's call it Red China, Inc. -- then the Politburo would be its all-powerful board of directors.
And if Hu were not a communist official but rather a capitalist corporate boss, he would find himself inundated with job offers worldwide. Competitors in the capitalist West can only dream of the successes he and his fellow communist leaders *** business executives have achieved.
Hardly a day goes by on which Asia's giant, Red corporation does not report new and dazzling business figures. And the more helplessly Western heads of state -- from United States President George W. Bush to German Chancellor Angela Merkel -- attempt to reform their traditional market economies, the more enviously the capitalist world eyes China's frenzied growth, all the while asking itself: Does communism work after all?
China's speedy ascent to become a global economic superpower is troubling to many: to the industrialized nations of the West because they fear for their jobs; to politicians because the global balance of power is shifting; and, last but not least, to economists because it is so puzzling to them.
Red China, Inc.: Does communism work after all?
Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (7 Photos)
Economists' theories are based on the recognition that market forces alone drive economic growth. The state's only role is to ensure that competition functions and that no one is able to abuse his power in the marketplace to an inadmissible degree.
A Midas touch
For these economists, the fall of the Iron Curtain offered glaring proof that their hypotheses were correct. Indeed, planned economies in Soviet bloc countries were failures, creating poverty instead of affluence and leaving industrial wastelands in their wake. Yet China is flourishing. With a blend of a planned economy and unbridled capitalism that you won't find mentioned in any textbook, the country is capturing world markets and achieving double-digit growth year after year.
Hu and his Red board of directors appear to have something akin to the Midas touch. With their country, which amounts to a gigantic, low-cost factory, they have already managed to accumulate more than $1 trillion in foreign currency reserves. In theory, at least, the communist People's Republic of China, has now joined the United States, the global capitalist superpower, in deciding the fate of the world's leading currency.
In 2005, China leapfrogged over France and Great Britain to become the world's fourth-largest economy. The country's new spot in the rankings came as the result of an omission on the part of its communist bosses: Already blessed with so much growth, they had simply forgotten to include a large portion of their giant service sector in China's economic statistics.
American sinologist Roderick MacFarquhar is astonished by China's performance. "Never before," says MacFarquhar, "has so much wealth been created by so many people in such a short time span."
If China continues to grow at the same pace, it will oust Germany as the world's third-biggest economy in only two years, perhaps even dethroning the United States from its leading position one day. In 2005, China was already the US's second-largest goods supplier and Japan's largest. Not satisfied with being No. 2, Beijing's strategists are continuing their plans to shower the world with inexpensive products such as T-shirts and DVD players -- and, increasingly, with Chinese high technology.
A fast-developing tech sector
China recently surpassed Germany in the number of patents it registers. With its latest five-year plan, the country's Communist Party has set itself an ambitious goal of catapulting China to world-class heights in the fields of science and technology. According to the plan, Chinese probes will orbit the moon next year and land on it by 2010. China's space ambitions also include a bizarre aural spectacle: Its lunar orbiters will transmit 150 pop songs back to earth, including a Chinese tune titled "We Love our China."
Photo Gallery: China's Celestial Ambitions
Click on a picture to launch the image gallery (8 Photos)
The Communist Party's economic successes aren't its only impressive achievement. Chinese cities are safer than places like S茫o Paulo or Bogot谩, and they seem cleaner and more orderly than the slums of Nairobi or Soweto in South Africa. Beijing and Shanghai boast a lively cultural scene, and broadband Internet access is already taken for granted in the country's major cities. Mobile phone reception is even available in small villages.
Communist Party leader Hu and his Politburo colleagues aren't the only ones behind the changes that have swept across this vast country. True, they are responsible for coming up with the overriding strategies behind China's economic miracle, and for this task they take the necessary time -- hours that Western politicians waste doing the rounds on talk shows. But the Politburo also routinely solicits advice and reports on the latest global trends in science and business -- on issues running the gamut from biotechnology to health insurance -- from academics in so-called "study sessions." This being a communist land, these sessions would of course be incomplete without the requisite lectures on China's revolutionary history and Marxist theory.
Graphic: The Government System of the People's Republic China
Graphic: The Government System of the People's Republic China
The State Council, China's cabinet -- headed by the pedantic and schoolmaster-like 64-year-old Prime Minister Wen Jiabao -- deals with the day-to-day business of government. The cabinet meets at least three times a month, as required by law, in a building located a stone's throw from the offices of the Politburo. Meetings are graced with tall beauties dressed in red outfits and white gloves, who serve cabinet members green tea from the Wuyuan district in Jiangxi Province.
Red China, Inc.'s central nervous system
In addition to Wen, this inner circle of the Chinese government includes four deputy premiers, five members of the State Council (including one general) and a secretary general. Comprised of eight men and two women, the group directs and coordinates the work of 28 ministries and commissions, including the country's central bank and its central auditing authority. It also presides over an immense number of government agencies, including China's official news agency, Xinhua, the Academy of Sciences, the customs agency, the weather bureau, an agency in charge of grain production and distribution and -- not to be overlooked -- the Administration of Government Offices, which provides high-ranking officials with living quarters, cars and vacation homes.
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All the elements in the network that make up Red China, Inc. come together in Wen's State Council. The body controls daily life in China with a plethora of decrees, memorandums, plans, measures and responses. In the month of September alone, it issued a decree on the "Administration of Payment of the Automobile Sales Tax," approved "Basic Regulations for the Electricity Market" and organized "Safety Inspections of Dams that include Power Plants."
A decade and a half after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a communist country appears to be relentlessly transforming itself into an economic superpower. Its recipe for success is, at first glance, the five-year-plan -- one which dismayed Western politicians have routinely dismissed for such features as its ban on private ownership of land and its manipulation of currency exchange rates.
Having your cake and eating it too
But five-year plans are only one side of the coin in China's vast realm. The other is a wildly unfettered capitalism geared solely toward naked profit. And when it comes to turning a profit, hardly anything seems sacred anymore, not even for China's communists. The Great Hall of the People in Beijing is a case in point. If the National People's Congress doesn't happen to be in session or President Hu isn't using the magnificent building -- with its more than 300 rooms and enormous paintings depicting scenes from the revolution -- to receive foreign dignitaries, the government simply rents it out. Recently, US automaker Ford used the building to unveil its latest line of car models, and fast food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken opted for the elegance of the Great Hall to hold a meeting of its more than 2,100 Chinese restaurant managers.
Ironically enough, while economists in Europe and the United States advocate "less government" and "open markets" as a response to globalization and the Chinese challenge, the Marxist-Leninist party that rules China blatantly avails itself of every advantage of capitalism while steadfastly refusing to give up state control over the economy.
Graphic: Awakening Giant
Graphic: Awakening Giant
ICBC, a major Chinese bank, recently conducted the biggest initial public offering in financial history, floating shares worth the equivalent of $22 billion on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges. In a win-win situation for China's communists, the bank's value rose to more than $200 billion, and yet Beijing retains control over ICBC. The country's three largest telecommunications companies are also state-owned. Two years ago, the Communist Party simply reshuffled senior executives among the three companies.
Is China, one of the most undemocratic nations on earth, setting an example for democratic countries on how to effectively solve problems? Do China's successes fly in the face of every critic and skeptic who believes that Marxism-Leninism and capitalism are as incompatible as the devil and holy water?
" A social market economy with Chinese characteristics"%26gt;%26gt;
: Blogs discussing this story|||First of all, communism, as a porduction method, doesn't exist since the dawn of men. What China, Russia, and all the former 'red' nations live by, or lived by, it's socialism, an hybrid of pure communism.
Now, going back to the China issue. China's more capitalist that many of us want to acknowledge. Remember Karl Marx used to talk about how the basis of capitalism was to generate plusvalue through the exploitation of the labor force, something China's proven to do perfectly with it's low wages and control of inner market.
I see China as a two-faced country. On one side, you have Hong Kong, Shanghai, and all those fancy cities were progress and industrialization are present. And you have the rural China, wre things haven't changed much since the times of Mao.
So the success of a mode, or way, of production depends on the culture, traditions, and behaviour of the society were they're imposed. I'm sure socialism would be ghastly for the USA, but alo there are places in the world were ful-on capitalism has brought poverty and huge social differences.
Hope I helped a little bit. Sorry if my english is bad.|||Dont be shy make this a long question. After reading it what I want to know is what was the question?|||I almost gave up looking for the box to respond. You should definitely shorten your question.
Concerning Communism vs. Capitalism - a good example would be North Korea.
I'll take the good ol' US of A any day. I already served proudly and honorable for 20+ years before retiring.|||No communism is a failed sytem due to the fact that Humanst controll it|||There has been an obvious shift toward the center by most countries of the world. Only Americans blindly ignore half these shifts and figure the right is working. Neither the extreme right nor the extreme left works, you need to take the best of all systems.|||both the US and China are directed capitalistic states but to different degrees. No, both Fascist|||You sure are verbose. Are you trying to sell me, or ask a question? I think if you read history and observe what is in process at any given point in time you would see that systems begin in opposition and slowly adapt to each other. Of course revolution is a exception to that. What is happening in south America right now is an example of adaption. What is going on in China is the same only further along. Suggest you read Karl Marx you are watching the implementation of his directions. Wealth dose not co notate intelligence, or compassion, on the other under-educated, poor and starving people will eventually at tact the "king of the royal mountain", we must in very short order devise a new system which is fair to all, and rewards according to contribution to all of mankind.|||If you define success by slave labor tactics and using children to manufacture toys that they will never use themselves then yes it's a rousing success. Less the abuse, starvation, lack of health insurance and meager pay. While, all the while creating wealth for the heads of State. Then yes Communism is a success. Not!|||No I don't think it does. Think Russia %26amp; East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Those people under communist rule had poorer health, shorter lifespans, greater unemployment, fewer products to meet their needs %26amp; extraordinarily poor service. Long, long lines for everything they wanted to buy; groceries, clothing - you name it, they waited %26amp; waited %26amp; waited. Service was poor because there was no incentive to do a good job.
I don't care what Dr Speagel (spelling?) says. They led miserable lives w/o any freedoms.
If you think communism is better there are plenty of countries you can move to.|||Communism can not hold a flame to capitalism.
There is no incentive in communism to be entrepreneurial and take risks. Nor is there reason to hardly work at all. Communism would put economic and technological growth at a complete standstill.
Individuals need incentive to take risks and work hard, capitalism is the system that provides this.|||The assumption in your question is that:
China is a comunist country. IT IS NOT. Read the principles of Marx and you may find out that communism any country with strong central government can not qualify.
Go to China and you will find out a lot of typical capitalistic exploatation.
Sit in your chair and watch NBC, CBS, CNN and alike and you will find out that .. China is a communist country, that people in China and unhappy and we need to help them ... that we ... Americans ... are happy.
You will find also that Americans love to go to work, have 2 weeks vacations that they often do not take. You will find out that Americans are happy when stock market goes up (stock market goes up, when profits go up. Profits go up when companies give less money to workers, or replace them with ones that demand less, or outsource.)
Making scratches less noticeable on dark gray plastic engine cover -?
I have a Johnson 35hp engine with a dark gray plastic cover on the top which has gotten banged up %26amp; scratched quite a bit over the years thru use - I tried polishing %26amp; rubbing compound, and mGuires cleaner/wax liquid, but it ends up just leaving white residue in the scratches and its still noticeable - I remember there used to be a colored wax product sold at auto stores specifically for covering scratches in paint on cars - you could buy it in blue, black, gray, red, all the basic colors. It seemed to work pretty good when I tried it years ago but I haven't seen it on the market lately. I was also thinking about something oily %26amp; shiney, like maybe Tire-Wet liquid, or Son-of-a-Gun vinyl protectant type liquid, but I know they may be temporary and dry out after a while. Does anyone know of a way to make the scratches dark %26amp; wet looking so you can't really see them as much? Maybe a home remedy would work, like mineral oil or something?? Any ideas from experience would be appreciated. Thanks.Making scratches less noticeable on dark gray plastic engine cover -?
Try something called back to black. Works a treat.Making scratches less noticeable on dark gray plastic engine cover -?
I would use a filler designed for use on plastics.
a good auto paint store could probably advise the best one
clean the surface thouroughly
smear it into the scratches
let it set and wait a few days so any shrinking can occur
use 400 grit sand paper to smooth it
use very fine wet and dry paper, say 800 grit to smooth it down whilst keeping it wet.
then i'd dry it.
clean it with pre paint
rub it with a tac cloth
then paint it with high temperature grey paint.
if that sounds like too much work then just clean the surface as it is now and spray paint it with high temp matt black which wont show up scratches as well.
otherwise buy a new cover if you can.Making scratches less noticeable on dark gray plastic engine cover -?
Try something called back to black. Works a treat.Making scratches less noticeable on dark gray plastic engine cover -?
I would use a filler designed for use on plastics.
a good auto paint store could probably advise the best one
clean the surface thouroughly
smear it into the scratches
let it set and wait a few days so any shrinking can occur
use 400 grit sand paper to smooth it
use very fine wet and dry paper, say 800 grit to smooth it down whilst keeping it wet.
then i'd dry it.
clean it with pre paint
rub it with a tac cloth
then paint it with high temperature grey paint.
if that sounds like too much work then just clean the surface as it is now and spray paint it with high temp matt black which wont show up scratches as well.
otherwise buy a new cover if you can.Making scratches less noticeable on dark gray plastic engine cover -?
Help with The sims 3 World Adventures mission (Egypt)?
Hi people I'm on the Ancient Library adventure In Egypt And i need to go to the library in someone's house and befriend them to get inside. I Should go to Madbouli household and I've befriended of Fahad Madbouli's (owner of the house where the Library is) but Fahad never leave the market so I can't visit the house, the visit house button is gray all the days, so i can never visit to complete the task! someone help?Help with The sims 3 World Adventures mission (Egypt)?
Yeah this one kinda tough luck.
In my case, u've gotta wait about one day after the mission been accepted, then around midnight, i clicked at the madbouli house and there were a new option, "sneak in". so when i pressed it, my sims walked in their house or should i say break in because she acted like a thief or stuff. bottomline, u just gotta wait patiently and always keep ur eye on that house. it will come eventually.
hope it will help
Yeah this one kinda tough luck.
In my case, u've gotta wait about one day after the mission been accepted, then around midnight, i clicked at the madbouli house and there were a new option, "sneak in". so when i pressed it, my sims walked in their house or should i say break in because she acted like a thief or stuff. bottomline, u just gotta wait patiently and always keep ur eye on that house. it will come eventually.
hope it will help
Finches and budgies, what is the rest cycle in-between clutches?
What is the rest cycle in-between clutches when breeding with finches and budgies?
How do I stop them getting egg bound, having prolapses, or other medical problems.
The market for exporting birds opened last year for South Africa and there is a shortage of these two birds but I don鈥檛 want to breed them to death.
(Please stop with the personal attacks I am a SHEQ controller at a chemical plant and have no difficulty in buying and looking after my birds, but im also a businessman. And if you rather have the market filled with wild captured African gray鈥檚 rather than breeding them as pets then you should be taken out of your comfort zone and put in a cage)Finches and budgies, what is the rest cycle in-between clutches?
Ideally they should be limited to four clutches a year. Egg production depletes the calcium from the female. This imbalance significantly shortens the life span, increasing the likelihood of binding and prolapse. It goes without saying that she should be on a top quality diet.
I don't allow my babies to breed before six or eight months of age. They will go to nest at three months if allowed to. You did not say which finches and i'm making reference to Zebras.
Fire finches, Strawberry finches, Crimson Cheeked Cordon Bleu,(the only ones I like) Star Finches, Gouldians etc. are not as precocious as the Zebra. Parakeets are nearly as precocious as Zebras.
By allowing the young to develope fully, you can have more breeding pairs without breeding the parents to tire
How do I stop them getting egg bound, having prolapses, or other medical problems.
The market for exporting birds opened last year for South Africa and there is a shortage of these two birds but I don鈥檛 want to breed them to death.
(Please stop with the personal attacks I am a SHEQ controller at a chemical plant and have no difficulty in buying and looking after my birds, but im also a businessman. And if you rather have the market filled with wild captured African gray鈥檚 rather than breeding them as pets then you should be taken out of your comfort zone and put in a cage)Finches and budgies, what is the rest cycle in-between clutches?
Ideally they should be limited to four clutches a year. Egg production depletes the calcium from the female. This imbalance significantly shortens the life span, increasing the likelihood of binding and prolapse. It goes without saying that she should be on a top quality diet.
I don't allow my babies to breed before six or eight months of age. They will go to nest at three months if allowed to. You did not say which finches and i'm making reference to Zebras.
Fire finches, Strawberry finches, Crimson Cheeked Cordon Bleu,(the only ones I like) Star Finches, Gouldians etc. are not as precocious as the Zebra. Parakeets are nearly as precocious as Zebras.
By allowing the young to develope fully, you can have more breeding pairs without breeding the parents to death.
Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
...I'm a Funky." Gray and cream color. 12"
This bear was on the market 30 years ago. CUTE! My son LOVED his. He's now having his own baby and I want to get one for her!
It was purchased in Orange County in 1979. LOVE to have one!!!Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
In the modern era when tribal tattoo has become the trend of the time, it is not just the men who are going for funky tribal tattoos but women too are interested in getting their bodies tattooed. Women don’t want to be left behind in any way so why shouldn’t they look funky and cool.
Well, gals! You should not be trying out the typical tattoos, rather you should go for some feminine designs that can add to your level of delicacy. How about the idea of Hawaiian flower tattoo design that is mostly drawn in the tribal form? It is drawn using big black bold lines to give it a touch of tribal culture and looks simply amazing.
It has become quite popular among people to go for tribal phoenix tattoo. Phoenix and dragon both make good designs for tribal tattoos. Phoenix tribal tattoos look simply fabulous and they lend you a sexy look.
So, all you guys and gals out there, if you want to look hot, then what can be a better idea than to go for a phoenix design for making the tribal tattoo. Phoenix makes a good choice of tribal tattoo for both men and women so what you people are waiting for. Give yourself an entirely new look by getting your body tattooed with phoenix designs.
Dragon tribal tattoo is increasingly becoming the popular choice of tattoo lovers. Dragon tattoo is chosen by people due to different reasons and the way they perceive it differs from person to person. In most of the cultures, dragon is seen as a huge serpent possessing magical powers. It is a creature from the mythological times.
Dragon tribal tattoo is preferred by men because men associate themselves with dragon in the sense of power, force and lastly wisdom. Women associate themselves with dragon because like dragon they also protect things they believe or view as their own. By now, you must have understood why dragon tribal tattoo is so popular among the people.
Ty Beanie Babies Funky - Flower Print Bear (Pink):
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Bring on the funk! Funky, a 1970's bear is pink with hot pink, white blue and purple flowers and a bright blue ribbon. Break out your dancin' shoes!
Product Description
Ty Beanie Babies - Funky Flower Print Bear (Pink) - This Bear is Groovy!
List Price: $9.99
Price: $6.99
You Save: $3.00 (30%)
Product Features
* Official product from Ty's wildly popular Beanie Babies Collection
* Look for the familiar heart-shaped tag that means you've purchased an authentic Ty product
* Handmade with the finest quality standards in the industry
* Collect Them All !!!
* Recommended Age Range 3 and up
and more on…Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
miYim Organic Plush Sleepytime Collection - 12" Charlotte Gray
Other products by miYim
3 Reviews
? See all 3 customer reviews...
4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (3 customer reviews)
List Price: $31.99
Price: $27.25 %26amp; this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
You Save: $4.74 (15%)
In Stock.
Ships from and sold by Gift-wrap available.
Only 3 left in stock--order soon (more on the way).
3 new from $27.00
Product Features
* Certified Organic Fabric
* Low Eco Impact Dye Process
* Chemical Free
* Environmentally Friendly
* Safe, Non-Toxic
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Charlotte, the star of our sleepytime collection has her eyes closed no matter which of our four charming colors she is wearing. Her extra fluffy tummy makes her the perfect night time snuggle companion. Made from organic cotton plush and dyed naturally with plants and minerals, Charlotte is a gift you can feel truly good about giving your little loved one. Each miYim collectable is housed in our signature gift box, made with recycled paper, great for gift giving! Once it arrives, untie the magic and personalize the gift with a signature gift tag on each collectable.
unk is an American musical style that originated in the mid to late 1960s when African American musicians blended soul music, soul jazz and R%26amp;B into a rhythmic, danceable new form of music. Funk "de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums" to the foreground. Funk songs are often based on an extended vamp on a single chord, distinguishing it from R%26amp;B and Soul songs centered around chord progressions.
Like much of African-inspired music, funk typically consists of a complex groove with rhythm instruments such as electric guitar, electric bass, Hammond organ, and drums playing interlocking rhythms. Funk bands sometimes have a horn section of several saxophones, trumpets, and in some cases, a trombone, which plays rhythmic "hits".
Many of the most famous bands in the genre also played disco and soul extensively. Funk music was a major influence on the development of disco music, and funk samples were present in most styles of house music and early hip hop music. It is also the main influence of go-go. Funk left its mark on new wave, and its pulse is evident in post punk as well.Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
David just informed me that the guys that live in our house are mad I didn’t mention them all by name in the comment above … there are seven in the bed: the dogs are Arthur Winter Slush, Barley Jerome Guinness, Farley, and Beagley the Dobbster Beagley; the Bears are Brentford, Sandy Douglas, and Koalette. Manning the clock radio are Poppy the Bear and Princess Bunny (who he is in love with.) One of these guys comes with us on trips – they all fight for the honor. And up on the armoire are Chamonix the Lion (stage name Cleopatra), Monkey Monk, Koala (pronounced “cola”), Funky (ain’t no bird, ain’t no monkey, give me a hug, I’m a funky!), Brrrrrrdy,Nimnum and Nimnums cousins, Junior Birdman, Phoebe the Alpaca. In the living room are Hoopdeegoogle, Puff the Magic Dragon, and Dragonia. The bears downstairs at the Teddy Bear picnic include Egbert, Wilbear, Ted E. Cross, Jesterbear and Wolfgang who are all in love with Bonita.…
You’re inclined to reach for the Xanax, but why not try hugging a bear, a bunny, or a monkey instead? The fuzzy types from Mr. Funky, a collection of insanely adorable stuffed animals, handmade by Japanese artist Narumi Ogawa, should do nicely. Crocheted from acrylic and mohair wools, in bright, whimsical colors, they are more like art than ordinary plush toys, and they’re perfect for keeping at the office as a source of comfort. Each features adorable details like plastic hearts, dresses with strawberry buttons, purses, and scarves. One look and the disappointments of the day melt away. One squeeze and you can actually feel a smile creep onto your lips.
In other words, they’re the best cheering-up you can get without a prescription.
Available online at…
and one more:
This is supposed to be a question not an answer.
Why does everyone confuse it?
I'm lost....
This bear was on the market 30 years ago. CUTE! My son LOVED his. He's now having his own baby and I want to get one for her!
It was purchased in Orange County in 1979. LOVE to have one!!!Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
In the modern era when tribal tattoo has become the trend of the time, it is not just the men who are going for funky tribal tattoos but women too are interested in getting their bodies tattooed. Women don’t want to be left behind in any way so why shouldn’t they look funky and cool.
Well, gals! You should not be trying out the typical tattoos, rather you should go for some feminine designs that can add to your level of delicacy. How about the idea of Hawaiian flower tattoo design that is mostly drawn in the tribal form? It is drawn using big black bold lines to give it a touch of tribal culture and looks simply amazing.
It has become quite popular among people to go for tribal phoenix tattoo. Phoenix and dragon both make good designs for tribal tattoos. Phoenix tribal tattoos look simply fabulous and they lend you a sexy look.
So, all you guys and gals out there, if you want to look hot, then what can be a better idea than to go for a phoenix design for making the tribal tattoo. Phoenix makes a good choice of tribal tattoo for both men and women so what you people are waiting for. Give yourself an entirely new look by getting your body tattooed with phoenix designs.
Dragon tribal tattoo is increasingly becoming the popular choice of tattoo lovers. Dragon tattoo is chosen by people due to different reasons and the way they perceive it differs from person to person. In most of the cultures, dragon is seen as a huge serpent possessing magical powers. It is a creature from the mythological times.
Dragon tribal tattoo is preferred by men because men associate themselves with dragon in the sense of power, force and lastly wisdom. Women associate themselves with dragon because like dragon they also protect things they believe or view as their own. By now, you must have understood why dragon tribal tattoo is so popular among the people.
Ty Beanie Babies Funky - Flower Print Bear (Pink):
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Bring on the funk! Funky, a 1970's bear is pink with hot pink, white blue and purple flowers and a bright blue ribbon. Break out your dancin' shoes!
Product Description
Ty Beanie Babies - Funky Flower Print Bear (Pink) - This Bear is Groovy!
List Price: $9.99
Price: $6.99
You Save: $3.00 (30%)
Product Features
* Official product from Ty's wildly popular Beanie Babies Collection
* Look for the familiar heart-shaped tag that means you've purchased an authentic Ty product
* Handmade with the finest quality standards in the industry
* Collect Them All !!!
* Recommended Age Range 3 and up
and more on…Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
miYim Organic Plush Sleepytime Collection - 12" Charlotte Gray
Other products by miYim
3 Reviews
? See all 3 customer reviews...
4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (3 customer reviews)
List Price: $31.99
Price: $27.25 %26amp; this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
You Save: $4.74 (15%)
In Stock.
Ships from and sold by Gift-wrap available.
Only 3 left in stock--order soon (more on the way).
3 new from $27.00
Product Features
* Certified Organic Fabric
* Low Eco Impact Dye Process
* Chemical Free
* Environmentally Friendly
* Safe, Non-Toxic
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Charlotte, the star of our sleepytime collection has her eyes closed no matter which of our four charming colors she is wearing. Her extra fluffy tummy makes her the perfect night time snuggle companion. Made from organic cotton plush and dyed naturally with plants and minerals, Charlotte is a gift you can feel truly good about giving your little loved one. Each miYim collectable is housed in our signature gift box, made with recycled paper, great for gift giving! Once it arrives, untie the magic and personalize the gift with a signature gift tag on each collectable.
unk is an American musical style that originated in the mid to late 1960s when African American musicians blended soul music, soul jazz and R%26amp;B into a rhythmic, danceable new form of music. Funk "de-emphasizes melody and harmony and brings a strong rhythmic groove of electric bass and drums" to the foreground. Funk songs are often based on an extended vamp on a single chord, distinguishing it from R%26amp;B and Soul songs centered around chord progressions.
Like much of African-inspired music, funk typically consists of a complex groove with rhythm instruments such as electric guitar, electric bass, Hammond organ, and drums playing interlocking rhythms. Funk bands sometimes have a horn section of several saxophones, trumpets, and in some cases, a trombone, which plays rhythmic "hits".
Many of the most famous bands in the genre also played disco and soul extensively. Funk music was a major influence on the development of disco music, and funk samples were present in most styles of house music and early hip hop music. It is also the main influence of go-go. Funk left its mark on new wave, and its pulse is evident in post punk as well.Looking for a "Funky." "Ain't no bear, ain't no monkey, give me a hug, 'cuz...?
David just informed me that the guys that live in our house are mad I didn’t mention them all by name in the comment above … there are seven in the bed: the dogs are Arthur Winter Slush, Barley Jerome Guinness, Farley, and Beagley the Dobbster Beagley; the Bears are Brentford, Sandy Douglas, and Koalette. Manning the clock radio are Poppy the Bear and Princess Bunny (who he is in love with.) One of these guys comes with us on trips – they all fight for the honor. And up on the armoire are Chamonix the Lion (stage name Cleopatra), Monkey Monk, Koala (pronounced “cola”), Funky (ain’t no bird, ain’t no monkey, give me a hug, I’m a funky!), Brrrrrrdy,Nimnum and Nimnums cousins, Junior Birdman, Phoebe the Alpaca. In the living room are Hoopdeegoogle, Puff the Magic Dragon, and Dragonia. The bears downstairs at the Teddy Bear picnic include Egbert, Wilbear, Ted E. Cross, Jesterbear and Wolfgang who are all in love with Bonita.…
You’re inclined to reach for the Xanax, but why not try hugging a bear, a bunny, or a monkey instead? The fuzzy types from Mr. Funky, a collection of insanely adorable stuffed animals, handmade by Japanese artist Narumi Ogawa, should do nicely. Crocheted from acrylic and mohair wools, in bright, whimsical colors, they are more like art than ordinary plush toys, and they’re perfect for keeping at the office as a source of comfort. Each features adorable details like plastic hearts, dresses with strawberry buttons, purses, and scarves. One look and the disappointments of the day melt away. One squeeze and you can actually feel a smile creep onto your lips.
In other words, they’re the best cheering-up you can get without a prescription.
Available online at…
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Why does everyone confuse it?
I'm lost....
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