Saturday, January 14, 2012

A strange dream about many elephants?

i had a really strong dream around say 3 -4 at nite that i actually woke up and checked the time...there was many sequences all circling around the same idea..all i remember bout that "idea" was that there were many white/grey elephants --many of them previously in bondage and have grown angry, broke free, roared, jumped up and started stomping everywhere in a market building where there were many commercial stalls, there were ppl being stomped to death for having angered the elephants--they apparently now had authority..i also remember there was a girl named esmeralda being carried away by one of the elephants who seemed to take authority--like the leader or sth--the girl and the elephant were actually best friends...i don't know if i was supposed to be that girl but all i remember was being closely connected..anyways it was chaotic--the elephants did break free and what did this mean?

ps. i have never heard of the name esmeralda except from notre dame and these elephants felt incredibly powerful, almost intimidating

A strange dream about many elephants?
According to dream therapy, everything you dream symoblizes your own person and it is your unconscious trying to tell you something or working something out on it's own.

I am guessing that maybe lately, either recently or for a long time, you have been feeling trapped or chained down on some area of your life. You may be feeling you are finally ready to break free because you feel angry in this position. In a way, you must be rebelling against something.

The girl "Esmeralda" is you and so are the elephants. The end of this dream is good because you end up saving yourself and taking care of yourself (or Esmeralda). You need not worry about what the name means, it is just a name your brain came up with.

So, congrats! You are taking care of you!A strange dream about many elephants?
Sometimes I dream about the most absurd things and I find that I dreamt about them because someone at some point in the previous day had randomly mentioned it....for example, I once heard someone say frog, something about a trip to the pond with their family, and I dreamt of tap dancing frogs being sold into slavery..very scary and powerful dream, yet I thought it HAD to mean something...but I don't think it did. It's just a thing that your brain does to store information...dreaming is like creating a focus around a subject to file away for later use.

However there might be some significant other reasons. Elephants are old and wise, and very much based on female leadership when there is no male bull to lead them. Might be connected with why they took a girl, instead of a boy. Esmeralda can be connected to emerald, which is a type of green, and it might be, in a looping way, that she represents the earth. Perhaps the elephants are tired of being treated and cast aside as just animals. Maybe the elephants are guardians of the earth, or stand for the foundations, seeing as they can visually be seen as huge grey pillars of strengths, on which the earth is built on, and they have finally ripped her away from the commercial stalls, which could represent the constant consumer society we have become, continually taking and taking from mother earth. They've carried her away to take her from harm. Maybe you felt a connection with her because you too feel something for the plight of the earth.

Then again, it might be that you just have very strange dreams..:)

hope this helps!

EmmaA strange dream about many elephants?
hmm my off the wall guess is that your mother is being an overbearing person and you are breaking free from her in some way. I think that you were the elephants and were that girl feeling trapped by a mother like influence in your life i say that because you mentioned the market building- this usually is the grocery store ect- thus being a female role model type place. - I think that in your life you are taking charge of a situation that previous took charge of you
Although the elephant is much like any other animal in your dreams, it tends to represent the power and influence of the potent forces active in your body and mind, that if you relate to well bring about health and success, and if badly illness and ruin. For example the elephant can refer to the powerful responses in us such as fear, sex, survival, and the power of imagination to evoke great anxiety or great pleasure. Often our personality evokes these forces in a destructive and disorderly way. A person may have read an article about cancer for instance and develop a great fear they have the disease, causing much stress and actual physical illness in some degree.

So some elephant dreams revolve around how we relate to this power, and the attempt of the elephant to place us on its back to direct it. So in general it is your potential or energy. Also depicts your big self, or the power of the unconscious and your cosmic, eternal nature. The tremendous inner power of the unconscious, with a mahout, or conscious direction or co-operation can achieve wonderful things. Ganesh, the Indian elephant god, represents the remover of all obstacles, the power of life manifesting. He is the god of good fortune.

So it is the totality of yourself rather than awareness of only the conscious ego. It is what is referred to in Christianity as the 'spirit', the influence that can heal or instruct, thus power from our unconscious; strength; unforgiveness from association of long memory; patience; fidelity; intelligence or wisdom of the unconscious.

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