Saturday, January 14, 2012

Say in Russian...........???

i love u very much,how much is this,where is that,how to go there,my dog is running,walking,eating,bathing,drinking,… in its,his,her room in the house,at home,my younger brother is studying,reading,preparing 4 his school tests,exams,my younger sister is working in her office,shop,market,supermarket,my older sister has gone shopping in the shopping mall,see movies in the cinemas,gone to the bus stop to take bus no.278 to the embassy,airport,train station,school,office,shop,library,post office,police station,taxi stand,college,university,apartment,build… and government immigration department,i am a businessman,teacher,policeman,ambulance driver,bus,taxi,clerk,salesman,superviso… officer,cashier,lecturer,he is very handsome,has a lot of money,she is very rich,poor,pretty,beautiful,helpful,kind,… had no money,gold,jewellery,diamonds,watches,re…Say in Russian...........???
i love u very much - ya ochyen' tyebya lyublyu

how much is this - skol'ko yeto stoit

where is that - gdye yeto

how to go there - kak tooda proiti

my dog is running - moya sobaka byezhit

walking - khot'ba

eating - eda, kooshat' (depends on what you wanna say)

her room in the house - yeyo komnata v domye

at home - doma

my younger brother is studying - moi mladshii brat uchit'sya

reading - chteniye

preparing 4 his school tests - podgotovka k shkol'nym testam

exams - ekzameny

my younger sister is working in her office - moya mladshaya sestra rabotaet v yeyo ofise

shop - magazin

market - bazar

supermarket - supermarket

older sister has gone shopping in the shopping mall - starshaya sestra poshla v mol

see movies in the cinemas - smotryet' fil'my v kinoteatre

gone to the bus stop to take bus no.278 to the embassy - ushla (if she) ushol (if he) na ostanovku chtoby syest' na avtoboos nomer 278 kototryi yedyet v posol'stvo

airport - aeroport

train station - vokzal

school - shkola

office - ofis

police station - policiya

taxi stand - stoyanka taksi

college - kolledg

university - oonivyersityet

apart - razdyel'no

i'm a businessman - ya biznesmen

teacher - uchitel'

policeman - policyeiskii
wow, I could say some, but its gonna take some time to say all of them....lolSay in Russian...........???
I'm thinking your best bet is to invest in an English to Russian dictionary - you need more help than I can give you, that's for sure.

я люблю у very much, это, где будет что, как пойти там, моя собака бежит, гуляющ, еда, купая... в своем, его, ее комната в доме, дома, мой более молодой брат изучает, читать, подготовляя 4 его испытания школы, exams, моя более молодая сестра работает в ее офисе, магазине, рынке, супермаркете... более старая, котор сестра имеет пойденный ходить по магазинам в торгового центра, видит киноих в кино, пойденных к стопу шины для того чтобы принять шину no.278 к посольству, авиапорт, железнодорожную станцию, школу, офис, магазин, офис lib..., полицииSay in Russian...........???
open up a small dictionary for travellers, or you're too lazy?

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