Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Spun 3 props this season, what am i doing wrong??

i have a 17 foot carolina skiff, 50hp 2 stroke johnson ,RPM at 5500Spun 3 props this season, what am i doing wrong??
I have to agree with the answers above. We have never had a problem with a prop unless we hit rocks or something. Wish I could tell more, but, this all I know.

One thing I may mention; Are you jumping wakes/waves? This can bring the prop out of the water and cause damage to not only the prop but your drive gears and shaft when it come back into the water.
never spun a prop in 35 years. you must be using some off brand cheap propsSpun 3 props this season, what am i doing wrong??
I don't know how a 50hp engine will spin a new prop under normal use. The hub should only give when you hit something fairly immovable.

So, you're either hitting sand, snagging weeds (or trees or other underwater plant life), or someone's messing with your boat. Or you bought used prop from someone who doesn't know how to properly repair them.

Maybe you're not installing it right and it's not even lining up in the splines? I had a very old prop spin once. I was able to tighten it up (or so I think) enough to get back to shore--but slowly.

You must be buying really cheap props. Stick with Quicksilver or Michigan Props.
Measure your shaft diameter with a micrometer, the splines could be worn down to a point where they do not mesh entirely. This would cause the the teeth on the prop (softer material) to give.Spun 3 props this season, what am i doing wrong??
To much of a load for the 50hp%26gt;Cavitation%26gt;Drop 1 pitch %26amp; more cup on the blades%26gt;Will be close to the same RPM but less load on the 50hp%26gt;
what year motor? are you using oem props? 50 hp 2cyl 0r 3cyl? have you verified rpms with a hand held tach maybe tach is set wrong and you are really loading the motor!

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