Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winter striper tactics needed (easy 10pts)?

Before you read the question, I live on a saltwater lagoon that covers about 8 blocks. It is in alameda ca and it runs in from te San Francisco Bay. There are gateson the pipes and they have been there for 15 years so no fish over 12inch can get in. There are striper, I don't know how many, but there are not a lot, but they are big. most from 10-30lbs. I have caught severel this year from 7lbs to 23lbs. I normally use a basic carolina rig with live smelt, but that has not been working and I usually see them jump.

Does anyone have any tactics for catching stripers in the winter. I have not seen any striper jump in my lagoon for nearly two months and have not had a hit since late november, I was thinking of changing tactics, any ideas? The striper are there and they can get out, there are not a lot of stripers, but most are good sized from 10-30lbs. The water temp in 48 degrees. I have a 8 foot skiff, but prefer to bait fish off the dock. Any ideas? I will add aditional info if needed. This can be an 10pts, if I get a singal hit using your idea, i will award you best answer. BTW, this is in my yard, I can fish while on the computer so I can try each suggestioin as it is asked. Please respond ASAP.Winter striper tactics needed (easy 10pts)?
Here is what to do.

If you see seagulls, that means baitfish. Cast your bait there and hold on!

If not, you can try jigging near rocks, or out on a jetty.

If not, put the bait on a hook, and cast it out. Let it sit and be patient. The fish will smell the bait, they have a nose for a reason.

Good Luck
If you see them jumping, use a top water lure, if not... use shad.Winter striper tactics needed (easy 10pts)?
a live eel will always work for stripers
you should try luring....i know you prefer to bait fish but some times luring cuts it better...try using a saltwater spook or a pencil popper when their jumping or in the mornings and evenings and see what noob friends got hooked on using it when i showed it to them....but for bait just got to try each type and see what they want...they switch diets on whats might even want to use the anchovies instead of chumming...just my 2 cents.....Winter striper tactics needed (easy 10pts)?
I would say the hours between 11-2pm are the warmest they should be the most active at this moment. I would try larger fish and I would probably recommend on using lures.The problem with live bait is that you can not completely control them as you would with lures. My favorite is the Yankee Stiper Blue lure. The are alot and I think it should get the job done, I cant tell you the brands or make unless I see them.You might want to chum the area with live fish to entice the Strippers. Last but not least you are one lucky man I have to drive or hike to fish

PS if you have a raft or water borne vechile use it , to cast farhter and come back to shore

PS2 Since the Stripers are not rolling I would try midlevel to bottom feeders , so the bullheads should work better. You can cut the other fish to injure it and allow it to swim in the mid level depths

PS3 Since you are on your own property, try thooking a whole bunch of schooling fish on multiple hooks. i would say use 8 hooks.

Email me the pic of the lagoon and I'll get you the lures

I would use the ganglion if the carolina is not working use 8 hooks if a few dont work

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